OAR 150-308-1050
Gross Income Requirement


Income From Consumed Products. For purposes of the income requirement for farmland or a farm parcel outside an exclusive farm use zone, gross income includes the value of any crop or livestock used by the owner personally or in the farming operation. The owner must keep records accurately reflecting both the value and the use of the crop or livestock in a manner consistent with generally accepted accounting practices. The value of any crop or livestock used by the owner personally or in the farming operation is the amount of money the product would have been sold for in the normal marketing of the crop or livestock by the taxpayer. However, the value of products consumed, by the owner personally or in the farming operation, must constitute no more than 49 percent of gross income as required under ORS 308A.071 (Income requirements for nonexclusive farm use zone farmland).


Adjusted Gross Income From Livestock. In determining gross income from livestock, the purchase cost must be deducted from the gross sales price.


Burden of Proving Income. The burden of proving that property that is not within an exclusive farm use zone meets the gross income requirements of ORS 308A.071 (Income requirements for nonexclusive farm use zone farmland) is upon the owner or person claiming special assessment. This burden l is met if information establishing sufficient gross income is supplied to the county assessor as provided below. A failure to provide the required income information to the county assessor constitutes grounds for disqualification under 308A.116 (Disqualification of nonexclusive farm use zone farmland)(1)(c).


Income Information. The following procedures apply if the assessor lacks sufficient information on March 1 to support a determination that land not in an EFU zone qualifies for special farm use assessment.


On or before March 1, the assessor must send notice to the owner or person claiming special assessment of the need to provide income information for property subject to special assessment. The assessor must include an income information questionnaire with the notice. The property owner must use the questionnaire to provide income information to the county assessor. The property owner must provide the income information to the county assessor no later than April 15.


The assessor must send the notice and the questionnaire to the last known address of record of the owner or person claiming special assessment for the subject property. The notice and questionnaire must be in a form approved by the Department of Revenue.


If the information provided to the county assessor is sufficient to determine whether or not the subject property is qualified for special assessment, the assessor must take the appropriate action.


If the information provided to the county assessor is insufficient to make a determination as to the qualification of the subject property for special assessment, or if no information is provided, the assessor must send a notice to the last known address of record for the owner or person claiming special assessment. The notice must be in a form approved by the Department of Revenue and must include:


A statement of the assessor’s intent to disqualify the subject property; and


A statement that within 30 days after the date of the mailing of the notice, the owner or person claiming special assessment may appear and show cause why the property should not be disqualified.


In determining whether the subject property qualifies for special assessment, the assessor must take into consideration information obtained through the income information questionnaire, the show cause hearing and the county assessor’s records.


If property is disqualified from special assessment solely because no income information was provided by April 15, or within the 30 days of assessor’s notice of intent to disqualify, the property owner may file an appeal with the Magistrate Division of the Tax Court.


“Good and sufficient cause” has the meaning given in OAR 150-307-0500 (Hardship Situations). The failure of the county assessor to provide the notice required in subsection (a) of this rule on or before March 1 constitutes good and sufficient cause for the owner’s failure to provide timely income information.


The procedural requirements contained in this rule are in addition to the requirements of ORS 308A.718 (Assessor to send notice upon disqualification or forestland change in use).


Nothing contained in this rule alters the right of a person claiming special assessment to deferral and abatement of additional tax, pursuant to ORS 308A.119 (Abatement).


Nothing contained in this rule precludes the assessor from continuing special assessment on farmland if the assessor determines that the property meets the qualifications.


The assessor may send a copy of the income information received by the assessor under subsection (3) of this rule to the Department of Revenue.


Examples: Satisfying income requirements:


A ten acre parcel in an area not zoned EFU has never been used for farm purposes. For this parcel to qualify for special farm use assessment, the owner must develop an income history from farm uses of the parcel. The parcel will meet the income requirements of ORS 308A.071 (Income requirements for nonexclusive farm use zone farmland)(2)(a) if it produces at least $1,000 gross income in each of the last three consecutive years or in any three of the last five consecutive years.


A ten acre parcel was segregated from a larger farm one year ago. The land was not farmed during the year following segregation. In order to qualify for farm use assessment, the parcel must be farmed for two successive years (ORS 308A.068 (Qualification of nonexclusive farm use zone farmland)(1)) and meet the income requirement of at least $1,000 in one of the two years (assuming the large farm met the income requirement before the ten acre parcel was segregated).


A four acre parcel in an area not zoned EFU has been farmed continually. The income has never exceeded $300. In order to qualify for special farm use assessment, the parcel must produce at least $650 in gross income per year for any three years during any consecutive five year period.


A twenty two acre parcel in an area not zoned EFU includes a ten acre farm woodlot, four and one-half acres of three year old cherry trees, five acres of pasture, two acres of wasteland and a one-half acre non-farm homesite. The five acres of pasture must have produced at least $650 gross income in one of the last three years (assuming the property met the income requirement in the two years preceding the planting of the cherry trees) to remain qualified for special assessment. The one-half acre non-farm homesite (at market), the immature cherry orchard (see ORS 308A.056 (Definition of “farm use”)(3)(c)), the farm woodlot (see 308A.056 (Definition of “farm use”)(3)(h), and the wasteland (see 308A.074 (Wasteland qualifications))) are not counted in determining the number of acres to be considered under 308A.071 (Income requirements for nonexclusive farm use zone farmland)(2)(a). The wasteland in a non-EFU zone does not qualify because it is not currently employed under 308A.056 (Definition of “farm use”)(3), and should not be in the calculation for the income test.
NOTE: In order for the two acres of wasteland to be assessed at its farm use value under ORS 308A.074 (Wasteland qualifications), and the homesite to be valued under ORS 308A.256 (Maximum assessed value and assessed value of homesites), the owners must meet an adjusted gross income test and file an annual application.


The farmland owner or the operator of the farm unit must file the required excise or income tax returns including a Schedule F or a schedule showing rental income or expenses of each farmland owner or the operator of the farm unit.


The assessor may require the farmland owner or farm unit operator provide a copy of the income tax returns and schedules showing farm income. Failure to provide required income information including copies of the required tax returns and schedules is grounds for disqualification.


Copies of income tax returns and schedules of farm income are confidential and must be safeguarded in accordance with OAR 150-192-0500 (Department Records Exempt from Disclosure).

Source: Rule 150-308-1050 — Gross Income Requirement, https://secure.­sos.­state.­or.­us/oard/view.­action?ruleNumber=150-308-1050.

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Continuing Education Requirements for Assessors
Continuing Education Requirement for Appraisal Managers in County Assessment Offices
Qualifications of Managerial Employees of the Assessor’s Office
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Billboards as Real Property
Determining Maximum Assessed Value when the Property Class is Changed
Reduction of Maximum Assessed Value (MAV) for Property Destroyed or Damaged by Fire or Act of God
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Net Capitalized Additions
Minor Construction
Establishing a Changed Property Ratio
Definition of Affected
Subdivided and Partitioned Property MAV
Rezoned Property — Calculating Maximum Assessed Value (MAV)
Omitted Property—Allocating Maximum Assessed Value (MAV)
Exemption, Partial Exemption or Special Assessment Disqualification — Allocating MAV
Calculation of Maximum Assessed Value (MAV) for Lot Line Adjustments
Real Property Valuation for Tax Purposes
Partial Exemptions and Special Assessments of Land
Derivation of Capital Structure and Discount Rates for Valuing Industrial Properties and Department-Assessed Properties
Industrial Property Valuation for Tax Purposes
Valuation of Contaminated Property
Measuring Functional Obsolescence in Industrial Property
Effective Tax Rate
Valuation Review of State-appraised Industrial Property.
Real Market Value and Property Classification as Part of Assessment Roll
Property With Multiple Leases Assessed as One Parcel
Contents of Assessment Roll for Condominiums
Printout or Microfiche Required When Assessment and Tax Rolls do not Constitute a Written Record
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Filing Requirements for Boundary Changes
Appraisals of Real Property by Registered Appraisers
Determining Taxable Value for Assessment Charges on Property Exempt from Taxation
Appraisal of Real Property
Agricultural Land Devoted to Agricultural Purposes
Stipulation Procedures
Cancellation of Personal Property Assessments
Exemption of Watercraft Undergoing Repairs
Valuation of New Construction
Confidentiality — Returns of Taxable Property
Industrial Property Returns — Incomplete Returns and Late Filing Penalties
County Contractors Having Access to Confidential Records
Confidentiality of Property Tax Information for Centrally Assessed Companies
Appraisal and Valuation of Industrial Plants
Confidentiality of Industrial Plant Information
Definition of Destroyed or Damaged
Valuation of Nonprofit Homes for the Elderly
Defining “Communication Services”
Assessment of Properties of Designated Utilities and Companies by Department of Revenue
Property Used for Guide Service
Confidentiality of Appraisals of Designated Utilities and Companies by Department of Revenue
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Procedure for Determining Oregon Property Value for Private Railroad Car Companies
Allocation of Centrally Assessed Electric Company Property Value
Allocation of Centrally Assessed Gas Distribution Company Property Value
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Allocation of Centrally Assessed Water Transportation Company Property Value
Unit Valuation of Centrally Assessed Properties
Contents of the Utility Assessment Roll
Contents of Department’s Journal
Centrally Assessed Property — Appraisal Guidelines
Removal of Certain Elected Exempt Property from Correlated System Real Market Value of Centrally Assessed Property
Qualification of Property for Special Assessment as Government Restricted Multiunit Rental Housing
Application and Election Process for Government Restricted Multiunit Rental Housing
Special Assessment of Government Restricted Multiunit Rental Housing Property
Special Assessment Disqualification Process
Process for Voluntary Disqualification from Special Assessment Program and Subsequent Application
Payment of Taxes on Manufactured Structure That Allows Change from Real Property to Personal Property Status
Manufactured Structure Classified as Real or Personal Property
Real and Personal Manufactured Dwellings to be Assessed in Like Manner
Farm Use Definitions, Inactivity Due to Illness, and Description of Lands in Non-Exclusive Farm Use
Disposal by donation to a local food bank or school
Assessment of Farmlands Within Exclusive Farm Use (EFU) Zones
Assessment of Farmlands Outside of Exclusive Farm Use (EFU) Zones
Gross Income Requirement
Acquired Land as Part of Farming Unit
Valuation of Certain Agricultural Land to Reflect Value for Farm Use Only
Calculation of MSAV When SAV Soil Classification is Changed
Disqualification of Exclusive Farm Use Farmland
Disqualification of Non-Exclusive Farm Use (Non-EFU) Farmland
Definition of Specially Assessed Homesites
Application for Specially Assessed Homesite
Qualified Specially Assessed Homesite Valuation
Ratio Calculation for Open Space Lands
Additional Tax Calculation and When to Impose Additional Tax
No Additional Tax
Deferred Additional Tax (ORS 308A.706)
Disqualification Notification Procedures
Last Updated

Jun. 24, 2021

Rule 150-308-1050’s source at or​.us