OAR 230-140-0530
Referee Power to Stop a Bout

(1) The referee assigned to an event has the power to stop a bout at any stage if the referee considers a fight to be too one-sided, or if either competitor is in such condition that to continue might subject the competitor to serious injury.
(2) If a competitor receives a cut eye from a fair blow or an unintentional head butt or any other injury the referee believes may incapacitate the competitor, the referee shall call into the ring or fenced area the medical personnel for examination of the competitor. Time shall be called during the examination.
(3) Should both competitors be in such condition that to continue might subject them to serious injury the referee shall render a technical draw if the bout is stopped prior to the majority of the rounds being completed.

Source: Rule 230-140-0530 — Referee Power to Stop a Bout, https://secure.­sos.­state.­or.­us/oard/view.­action?ruleNumber=230-140-0530.

Last Updated

Jun. 8, 2021

Rule 230-140-0530’s source at or​.us