OAR 291-131-0005
Authority, Purpose, and Policy


Authority: The authority for these rules is granted to the Director of the Department of Corrections in accordance with ORS 179.040 (General powers and duties), 423.020 (Department of Corrections), 423.030 (Department not limited by ORS 423.020), and 423.075 (Director).


Purpose: The purpose of these rules is to establish Department of Corrections policy and procedures governing the sending, receipt, and processing of inmate mail in Department of Corrections facilities.


Policy: Within the inherent limitations of resources and the need for facility security, safety, health, order and discipline, and inmate rehabilitation, it is the policy of the Department of Corrections (DOC) to permit inmates to send and receive mail in the manner, and under the circumstances, set forth in these rules.

Source: Rule 291-131-0005 — Authority, Purpose, and Policy, .

Last Updated

Jun. 8, 2021

Rule 291-131-0005’s source at