OAR 291-131-0010


Business Transaction: A transaction involving the purchase, sale, or delivery of merchandise, commodities, or services.


Central Administration: The Director, Deputy Director, Assistant Directors, administrators, or other Department of Corrections officials whose offices or mail boxes are located in the central office at 2575 Center Street NE, Salem, OR 97301-4667.


Confiscate: To remove the item or that portion of the item which violates these rules.


Contraband: Any article or thing that an inmate is prohibited by statute, rule or order from obtaining or possessing, or which the inmate is not specifically authorized to obtain or possess, or which the inmate alters without authorization.


Court Name: The inmate name as established and used by the Department of Corrections for use on the inmate’s case file, identification card, medical file, etc., based on the name provided in the first judgment in the custody cycle sentencing an inmate to the Department of Corrections.


Department of Corrections Facility: Any institution, facility, or staff office, including the grounds, operated by the Department of Corrections.


Electronic Messages: Correspondence exchanged between inmates and subscribers through a department approved third-party electronic messaging vendor by means of computers equipped for internet access.


Functional Unit: Any organizational component within the Department of Corrections responsible for the delivery of services or coordination of program operations.


Functional Unit Manager: Any person within the Department of Corrections who reports to either the Director, Deputy Director, an Assistant Director, or an administrator and who has responsibility for delivery of program services or coordination of program operations.


Individual Photograph: Any image or any duplication thereof. Individual photographs include any photograph scanned and printed from the Internet or other photographs where the identity of the person is unknown to the department. Any graphic image sent with or attached to an electronic message will be considered an individual photograph.


Inflammatory Material: Material whose presence in the facility is deemed by the department to constitute a direct and immediate threat to the security, safety, health, good order, or discipline of the facility because it incites or advocates physical violence against others. No publication shall be considered inflammatory solely on the basis of its appeal to a particular ethnic, racial or religious audience. No material shall be considered inflammatory solely because it criticizes the operation, programs, or personnel of the Department of Corrections, the State Board of Parole and Post Prison Supervision, or any other government agency.


Inmate: Any person under the supervision of the Department of Corrections who is not on parole, probation, or post prison supervision status.


Inspection: To examine or view, including but not limited to reading, photocopying, scanning, and x-raying.


Inter Agency Mail System: A system of delivering mail between or among certain state agencies and other units of government generally located in the greater Salem and Portland areas.


Mail: Incoming or outgoing mail, including electronic messages, authorized by these rules to be sent or received by an inmate and delivered by the United States Postal Service or any other carrier approved by the department including, but not limited to, parcel service enterprises or electronic messaging services.


Money: Cash, money orders, personal checks, warrants, certified checks, and other remittances.


Non Inmate Sender: The organization or person who is not residing at a Department of Corrections facility who sends mail to an inmate who is residing in a Department of Corrections facility. The non-inmate sender or recipient name must match the identity of the sender.


Official Mail: Incoming and outgoing mail addressed to Department of Corrections officials, the Governor, the Secretary of State, Oregon’s state legislators, Oregon’s United States Congressional delegation, tribal governments, administrators of grievance systems, foreign embassy consulate, members of the paroling authority, and sexual abuse advocacy programs that is clearly worded “official mail” on the addressee side of the envelope. The official mail designation should be set apart from the return address and mailing address for ease of recognition.


Package: A completely wrapped parcel received that is more than 14 inch thick regardless of other dimensions, received directly from the source with authorized postage, and legal and official mail up to three inches.


Photo Company: A vendor that delivers images, bound or individual, to inmates either electronically or through the mail for a fee.


Portrayal: The act or process by which an idea or message is depicted or represented, usually by written words or images.


Publication: A book or single issue of a magazine or newspaper, plus such other materials addressed to a specific inmate as flyers, and catalogs, received directly from the publisher.


Publisher, Distributor, or Book Vender: A business, organization, or firm that issues and makes available to the public (generally for sale and wide distribution) magazines, newspapers, new and used books, and other publications.


Security Threat Group (STG): Any group of two or more individuals who:


Have a common name, identifying symbol, or characteristic that serves to distinguish themselves from others;


Have members, affiliates, or associates who individually or collectively engage, or have engaged, in a pattern of illicit activity or acts of misconduct that violates Department of Corrections rules; or


Have the potential to act in concert to present a threat, or potential threat, to staff, public, visitors, inmates, offenders or the secure and orderly operation of the institution.


Security Threat Group Paraphernalia: Any material, documents, or items evidencing security threat group involvement or activities (e.g., rosters, constitutions, structures, codes, pictures, training material, clothing, communications, or other security threat group-related contraband).


Sexual Abuse Advocacy Program: A community-based organization that offers advocacy, support, crisis intervention, information, and referrals to a victim of sexual abuse.

Source: Rule 291-131-0010 — Definitions, .

Last Updated

Jun. 8, 2021

Rule 291-131-0010’s source at