OAR 309-014-0000
Purpose and Statutory Authority


Purpose. These rules prescribe general administrative standards for Division community mental health programs.


Certificate Required: To receive a certificate for the provision of behavioral health treatment services a Community Mental Health Program must meet the criteria under OAR 309-008-0100 (Purpose and Scope) to 309-008-1600 (Variance); in addition, the Opioid Treatment Program must:


Renewal: The renewal of a Certificate shall be governed by OAR 309-008-0100 (Purpose and Scope) to 309-008-1600 (Variance).


Denial, Revocation, Nonrenewal, Suspension: The denial, revocation, nonrenewal, or suspension of a letter of approval or license for an opioid treatment program may be based on any of the grounds set forth in OAR 309-008-1100 (Nonrenewal, Suspension, and Revocation of Certification).

Source: Rule 309-014-0000 — Purpose and Statutory Authority, https://secure.­sos.­state.­or.­us/oard/view.­action?ruleNumber=309-014-0000.

Last Updated

Jun. 8, 2021

Rule 309-014-0000’s source at or​.us