OAR 330-112-0090
Base Efficiency Package and Optional Packages Content


All energy savings projection evaluations shall meet with the provisions of ORS 470.635 (Requirement for energy savings projection)


A package that does not during its useful life produce anticipated energy savings of at least 25 percent of the cost of the package is not eligible for a loan under this program; but this restriction does not apply to nontraditional technologies approved by the Department.


The base efficiency package for a residential dwelling served by a single meter shall include an insulation package in accordance with installation standards to at least the following, as applicable:


Building Envelope


Attic/Ceiling: insulate to R-38;


Floor: if currently R-11 or less, insulate to R-30 or full cavity thickness;


Wall: if currently R-4 or less, insulate to R-11 or fill wall cavity; and


Air Leakage: whole-house air sealing measures in accordance with installation standards.


Any measure identified in an energy savings projection that produces energy savings equal to 95 percent or more of the loan payment amount for that measure may also be included in the base efficiency package if there are sufficient loan offset grant funds available to offset measure costs to the point where energy savings and loan costs for the base efficiency package are equal.


All base efficiency package measures, if any, shall be included in the project before a project may include any optional packages.


Optional package measures may be added to a project in order of energy savings per dollar of measure cost. More efficient measures must be included in a project before less efficient measures can be considered.


If determined necessary by the Department, the Department may conduct a review of a project completed and financed under these rules to ensure the installation meets all of the requirements under these rules and the project manager.

Source: Rule 330-112-0090 — Base Efficiency Package and Optional Packages Content, https://secure.­sos.­state.­or.­us/oard/view.­action?ruleNumber=330-112-0090.

Last Updated

Jun. 8, 2021

Rule 330-112-0090’s source at or​.us