OAR 335-095-0040
Qualifications for Supervising Speech-Language Pathology Assistants

(1) All supervision of services provided by a speech-language pathology assistant must be performed by a speech-language pathologist who:
(a) Holds an active, valid license issued by the Board of Examiners for Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology; or
(b) Is exempt from licensure under ORS 681.230 (Exemptions from licensure requirement)(1) and holds an active, valid basic or standard teaching license with an endorsement in speech impaired or an initial or continuing teaching license with an endorsement in communication disorders issued by the Teacher Standards and Practices Commission.
(2) The supervising speech-language pathologist must have the following professional work experience:
(a) At least two years of professional speech-language pathology work experience following completion of their graduate degree in speech-language pathology or communications disorders.. The clinical post-graduate fellowship year may be counted as one year of professional experience.
(b) If exempt from licensure under ORS 681.230 (Exemptions from licensure requirement)(1), and initially licensed by the Teacher Standards and Practices Commission prior to 1999, a minimum of five years of professional work experience in speech-language pathology within the ten years preceding the provision of supervision. The supervising speech-language pathologist must have held an active basic or standard teaching license with an endorsement in standard speech impaired or an initial or continuing teaching license with an endorsement in communication disorders issued by the Teacher Standards and Practices Commission during qualifying work experience. Work experience while holding a restricted transitional license, conditional assignment permit, or other provisional license issued by the Teacher Standards and Practices Commission is excluded from qualifying work experience.
(3) The supervising speech-language pathologist must agree to supervise according to Board requirements, as outlined in OAR 335-095-0050 (Requirements for Supervising Licensed Speech-Language Pathology Assistants).
(4) The supervising speech-language pathologist must have a minimum of two (2) hours of qualifying professional development regarding speech-language pathology assistant supervision on file with the Board office. All current supervisors must meet this rule within one year of the effective date of the rule.

Source: Rule 335-095-0040 — Qualifications for Supervising Speech-Language Pathology Assistants, .

Last Updated

Jun. 8, 2021

Rule 335-095-0040’s source at