OAR 340-215-0030


This division applies to all persons identified in sections (2) through (6) of this rule, except as provided in OAR 340-215-0032 (Deferrals and Exemptions) and 340-215-0034 (Changes in Ownership and Cessation of Reporting Requirements).


Air contamination sources. Any person that owns or operates a source listed in subsections (a) through (c) must register and report in compliance with this division, if the source’s direct GHG emissions meet or exceed 2,500 MT CO2e during the previous year. Once a source’s direct GHG emissions meet or exceed 2,500 MT CO2e during a year, the person that owns or operates the source must annually register and report in each subsequent year, regardless of the amount of the source’s direct GHG emissions in future years, except as provided in OAR 340-215-0032 (Deferrals and Exemptions) and OAR 340-215-0034 (Changes in Ownership and Cessation of Reporting Requirements).


Any source required to obtain a Title V Operating Permit.


Any source required to obtain an Air Contaminant Discharge Permit.


The following sources not otherwise listed in subsection (a) or (b):


Solid waste disposal facilities required to obtain a permit issued under OAR chapter 340, divisions 93 through 96, excluding facilities that both did not accept waste during the previous year and are not required to report greenhouse gas emissions to EPA under 40 C.F.R. part 98;


Wastewater treatment facilities required to obtain an individual National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System permit issued under OAR chapter 340, division 45; and


Electric power system facilities as defined in 40 C.F.R. part 98 subpart DD located in Oregon and owned or operated by investor-owned utilities.


Fuel suppliers and in-state producers.


Except as provided in subsection (b), the following persons that import, sell, or distribute fuel for use in the state, must register and report in compliance with this division:


Any dealer, as that term is defined in ORS 319.010 (Definitions for ORS 319.010 to 319.430) that is subject to the Oregon Motor Vehicle and Aircraft Fuel Dealer License Tax under OAR chapter 735, division 170;


Any seller, as that term is defined in ORS 319.520 (Definitions for ORS 319.510 to 319.880), that is subject to the Oregon Use Fuel Tax under OAR chapter 735, division 176;


Any person that produces, imports, sells, or distributes at least 5,500 gallons of gasoline, distillate fuel oil, biofuels, or aircraft fuel during a year for use in the state and that is not subject to the Oregon Motor Vehicle and Aircraft Fuel Dealer License Tax or the Oregon Use Fuel Tax under OAR chapter 735, divisions 170 and 176; and


Any person that imports propane for use in the state if the person’s total imports brought into the state are equal to or more than 10,500 gallons of propane in a year.


Persons listed in paragraphs (3)(a)(B) and (C) are not required to register and report fuel that is separately reported under this division by dealers described in paragraph (3)(a)(A).


Natural gas suppliers. Any person, including but not limited to local distribution companies, interstate pipelines, and owners or operators of facilities, that either produces natural gas, compressed natural gas, or liquefied natural gas in Oregon, or that imports, sells, or distributes natural gas, compressed natural gas, or liquefied natural gas to end users in the state, must register and report in compliance with this division.


Electricity suppliers. All investor-owned utilities, multi-jurisdictional utilities, electricity service suppliers, consumer-owned utilities, and other persons that import, sell, allocate, or distribute electricity to end users in the state must register and report in compliance with this division.


Petroleum and natural gas systems. Any person that owns or operates a facility physically located in Oregon that contains petroleum and natural gas systems industry segments listed in 40 C.F.R. 98.230 (Sale of perishable property)(a)(1) through (10) must register and report in compliance with this division, as applicable under subsections (a) though (e):


For a facility, as defined in 40 C.F.R. 98.6 that contains the industry segments listed in 40 C.F.R. 98.230 (Sale of perishable property)(1), (3), (4), (5), (6) or (7), if the facility’s greenhouse gas emissions meet or exceed 2,500 MT CO2e per year;
(b) For a facility with respect to onshore petroleum and natural gas production as defined in 40 C.F.R. 98.238, if emission sources specified in 40 C.F.R. 98.232(c) meet or exceed 2,500 MT CO2e per year;
(c) For a facility with respect to natural gas distribution as defined in 40 C.F.R. 98.238, if emission sources specified in 40 C.F.R. 98.232(i) meet or exceed 2,500 MT CO2e per year;
(d) For a facility with respect to onshore petroleum and natural gas gathering and boosting as defined in 40 C.F.R. 98.238, if emission sources specified in 40 C.F.R. 98.232(j) meet or exceed 2,500 MT CO2e per year;
(e) For a facility with respect to the onshore natural gas transmission pipeline segment as defined in 40 C.F.R. 98.238, if emission sources specified in 40 C.F.R. 98.232(m) meet or exceed 2,500 MT CO2e per year.

Source: Rule 340-215-0030 — Applicability, .

Last Updated

Jun. 8, 2021

Rule 340-215-0030’s source at