Purpose and Scope 340‑215‑0020
Definitions 340‑215‑0030
Applicability 340‑215‑0032
Deferrals and Exemptions 340‑215‑0034
Changes in Ownership and Cessation of Reporting Requirements 340‑215‑0040
Greenhouse Gas Registration and Reporting Requirements 340‑215‑0042
Recordkeeping Requirements 340‑215‑0044
Emissions Data Reports 340‑215‑0046
Reporting Deadlines 340‑215‑0060
Greenhouse Gas Reporting Fees 340‑215‑0105
Requirements for Air Contamination Sources 340‑215‑0110
Requirements for Fuel Suppliers and In-State Producers 340‑215‑0115
Requirements for Natural Gas Suppliers and In-State Producers 340‑215‑0120
Requirements for Electricity Suppliers 340‑215‑0125
Requirements for Petroleum and Natural Gas Systems
Purpose and Scope 340‑215‑0020
Definitions 340‑215‑0030
Applicability 340‑215‑0032
Deferrals and Exemptions 340‑215‑0034
Changes in Ownership and Cessation of Reporting Requirements 340‑215‑0040
Greenhouse Gas Registration and Reporting Requirements 340‑215‑0042
Recordkeeping Requirements 340‑215‑0044
Emissions Data Reports 340‑215‑0046
Reporting Deadlines 340‑215‑0060
Greenhouse Gas Reporting Fees 340‑215‑0105
Requirements for Air Contamination Sources 340‑215‑0110
Requirements for Fuel Suppliers and In-State Producers 340‑215‑0115
Requirements for Natural Gas Suppliers and In-State Producers 340‑215‑0120
Requirements for Electricity Suppliers 340‑215‑0125
Requirements for Petroleum and Natural Gas Systems