OAR 409-055-0045
5 STAR Designation


The Authority shall award 5 STAR designations to practices implementing multiple advanced PCPCH measures.
(2) A practice seeking 5 STAR designation, must meet the following criteria:
(a) Be recognized as a Tier 4 PCPCH under the Measures in Table 1, adopted and incorporated by reference;
(b) Attest to 255 points or more on the PCPCH application; and
(c) Attest to 13 or more of the 16 PCPCH Measures in Table 4, adopted and incorporated by reference.
(3) The Authority shall review PCPCH applications of practices attesting to the Measures in Table 1, to determine which practices meet the criteria in section (2) of this rule.
(4) The Authority shall notify a practice meeting 5 STAR designation criteria in writing of their eligibility.
(5) The Authority shall contact the eligible practice to schedule a verification review as described in OAR 409-055-0060 (Verification).
(6) A practice seeking 5 STAR designation must comply with a verification review.
(7) The Authority shall award 5 STAR designation to a practice after verifying the practice meets all 5 STAR designation criteria.
(8) 5 STAR designation is valid for the duration of the practice’s current PCPCH recognition as described in OAR 409-055-0030 (Practice Application and Recognition Process)(7).
[ED. NOTE: To view attachments referenced in rule text, click here to view rule.]

Source: Rule 409-055-0045 — 5 STAR Designation, .

Last Updated

Jun. 8, 2021

Rule 409-055-0045’s source at