OAR 409-055-0090
Reimbursement Objectives


One objective of these standards is to facilitate appropriate reimbursement for PCPCHs consistent with their recognized Tier levels. The standards and Tier recognition process established in this rule are consistent with statutory objectives to align financial incentives to support utilization of PCPCHs, in recognition of the standards that are required to be met at different Tiers.


Managed care plans and insurance carriers may obtain from the Authority the Tier level recognition of any practice.


Within applicable programs, the Authority shall develop and implement reimbursement methodologies that reimburse practices based on recognition of Tier level, taking into consideration incurred practice costs for meeting the Tier criteria.

Source: Rule 409-055-0090 — Reimbursement Objectives, .

Last Updated

Jun. 8, 2021

Rule 409-055-0090’s source at