OAR 409-055-0050
Data Reporting Requirements for Recognized PCPCHs


To be recognized as a PCPCH, a practice must attest to meeting the criteria and submit quantitative data elements to support its attestation in accordance with Tables 1 & 2, incorporated by reference.


Quantitative data shall be aggregated at the practice level, not the individual patient level, and a practice may not transfer any personal health information to the Authority during the PCPCH application process.


PCPCHs must submit new quantitative and attestation data as a part of the recognition renewal process and must use the specifications found on the Program website for calculating application data.


If approved by the practice, other entities may submit information on behalf of a practice, as long as appropriate practice staff has reviewed all application information and data prior to submission.


A practice may request an exception to any of the quantitative data reporting requirements in Table 2 or the Must-Pass criteria by submitting a form prescribed by the program. The Authority may grant exceptions for good cause shown.


Practices are required to submit 12 months of quantitative data in order to meet standards 2.A., 4.A., and 4.B. A practice may request an exception to the 12 month data reporting period by submitting a form prescribed by the program. The Authority may grant exceptions for good cause shown.


The Authority shall notify the practice within 60 days of complete application and exception submission whether or not the requested exception has been granted.
[ED. NOTE: Tables reference are available from the agency.]

Source: Rule 409-055-0050 — Data Reporting Requirements for Recognized PCPCHs, .

Last Updated

Jun. 8, 2021

Rule 409-055-0050’s source at