OAR 410-120-1880
Contracted Services


Except as otherwise provided in OAR 410-120-1260 (Provider Enrollment) et seq. applicable to provider enrollment or 410-141-0000, 410-141-3010 et seq. governing CCO or PHPs, insurance and service contracts as provided for under ORS 414.115 (Medical assistance by insurance or service contracts), 414.125 (Rates on insurance or service contracts), 414.135 (Contracts relating to direct providers of care and services) and 414.145 (Implementation of ORS 414.115, 414.125 or 414.135) may be implemented for covered medical assistance services in any program area(s) of the Oregon Health Authority (Authority) in order to achieve one or more of the following purposes:


To implement and maintain CCO or PHP services;


To ensure access to appropriate Medical Services that would not otherwise be available;


To more fully specify the scope, quantity, or quality of the services to be provided or to specify requirements of the provider or to specify requirements of the Authority in relation to the provider;


To obtain services more cost effectively, (e.g., to reduce the costs of program administration or to obtain comparable services at less cost than the fee-for-service rate).


Contracts, interagency agreements, or intergovernmental agreements under OAR 410-120-1880 (Contracted Services), subsection (1) funded with federal funds will be subject to applicable federal procurement and contracting requirements, and this rule will be interpreted and applied to satisfy such requirements. To the extent required by the federal funding agency, the Authority will seek prior federal approval of solicitations and/or contracts when the Authority plans to acquire or enhance services or equipment that will be paid in whole or on part with federal funds.


The Authority is exempt from the Public Contracting Code for purposes of source selection pursuant to ORS 279A.025 (Application of Public Contracting Code)(2). The Authority will use the following source selection procedures when entering into contracts under OAR 410-120-1880 (Contracted Services), subsection (1). Interagency agreements and intergovernmental agreements are not subject to competitive solicitation as the basis of source selection, and may be selected in accordance with ORS 190.003 (Definition for ORS 190.003 to 190.130) to 190.130 (Effect of ORS 190.125) and other applicable law or authority. Competition must be used in obtaining contract services to the maximum extent practical, except as otherwise provided in subsection (4):


Small procurement procedure may be used for the procurement of supplies and services less than or equal to $5,000. The Authority may use any method reasonably appropriate to the nature of the supply or service and the business needs of the Authority to identify potential contractors;


Informal solicitation procedure may be used for the procurement of services if the estimated cost or contract price is $150,000 or less. Proposals will be solicited from at least three sources, except as otherwise provided in these rules;


Formal solicitation procedure will be used for the procurement of services when the estimated cost or contract price is more than $150,000. Proposals must be solicited as outlined in these rules.


Selection by negotiation may be used in lieu of a competitive procurement under subsection (3) of this rule for the procurement of goods or services if:


The good or service is available only from a single source or the sole source has special skills that are only available based upon his or her expertise or situation. If the Authority Director, or designee, determines that only a single contractor is available or practical for purposes of this rule, the Director or designee may approve selection by negotiation. A memorandum signed by the Director or designee setting forth the reasons for using a sole source contract must be placed in the contract file;


Public need, significant risk of interruption of services, or emergency advises against a delay incident to competitive solicitation. If the Authority Director, or designee, determines that an emergency exists for purposes of this rule, the Director or designee may approve selection by negotiation. A memorandum signed by the Director or designee setting forth the nature of the emergency must be placed in the file;


Compliance with federal requirements necessitated proceeding without competitive solicitation. Documentation of the applicable federal requirements must be placed in the contract file;


Other authority including but not limited to statutory authority in ORS 414.115 (Medical assistance by insurance or service contracts), 414.125 (Rates on insurance or service contracts), 414.135 (Contracts relating to direct providers of care and services), and 414.145 (Implementation of ORS 414.115, 414.125 or 414.135), or such other authority, exemptions and delegations of authority that may be applicable to the source selection for the procurement: Documentation of the authority must be placed in the contract file.


A Request for Proposal (RFP) or similar solicitation mechanism must be prepared for contracts for which the Formal Solicitation Procedure will be used. The solicitation document should include at a minimum the following elements, when applicable:


Statement of required work, including a clear description of the services to be provided, standards by which performance of the services will be measured and/or conditions affecting the delivery of services;


Minimum standards and qualifications which contractors must meet to be eligible to provide the services;


Information which the prospective contractors must submit in their proposals to support their capability, such as references and experience providing the same or similar services (when, where, for whom, type of service, etc.);


Funding information and budget requirements;


Information about ownership interests in software or hardware designed, acquired, developed or installed with federal funds, in compliance with federal requirements for ownership, management and disposition;


The form and organization of proposals, when and where proposals are to be submitted, whether late proposals may be considered, and when an award of a contract is expected;


The method and criteria to be used in evaluating proposals and the weighting assigned to each criterion;


Provisions stating how and when the solicitation document must be contested, and how and when the final award must be contested;


Notice that all costs incurred in the preparation of a proposal will be the responsibility of the proposer and will not be reimbursed by the Authority; and


Contract provisions, subject to subsection (8) of this rule.


Proposals must be evaluated in a manner consistent with the evaluation criteria in the solicitation document. A written document stating why the selection was made will be placed in the contract file.


Unless exempt under ORS 291.045 (Definitions for ORS 291.045 and 291.047) to 291.049 (Ratification of public contract when performance begun prior to contract approval) or rules adopted there under, the Authority will obtain the review and approval of the solicitation document, contract or agreement by the Department of Justice.


The terms and conditions of the contract to be awarded to a contractor selected using these source selection rules will be governed by the Public Contracting Code, except for interagency agreements or intergovernmental agreements exempt under ORS 279A.025 (Application of Public Contracting Code)(2), or contracts or agreements under other exemptions from the Public Contracting Code. The Public Contracting Code, if applicable, and such delegation of authority, if any, as may be made by the Department of Administrative Services to the Authority determine contract approval authority.

Source: Rule 410-120-1880 — Contracted Services, .

Acronyms and Definitions
OHP Standard Benefit Package
Medical Eligibility Standards
Effect of COVID-19 Emergency Authorities on Administrative Rules
Administration of Division of Medical Assistance Programs, Regulation and Rule Precedence
Children’s Health Insurance Program
Public Entity
Applications for Medical Assistance at Provider locations
Managed Care Entity
Verification of Eligibility and Coverage
Medical Assistance Benefits and Provider Rules
Medical Assistance Benefits: Out-of-State Services
Medically Needy Benefit Program
SB 5548 Population
Excluded Services and Limitations
Medical Assistance Benefit Packages and Delivery System
Provider Enrollment
Recoupment and Data Sharing with Third-Party Insurers
Non-Participating Provider
Timely Submission of Claims
Authorization of Payment
Requirements for Financial, Clinical and Other Records
Compliance with Federal and State Statutes
Compliance with Public Meetings Law
Premium Sponsorships
Program Integrity
Provider and Contractor Audits
Recovery of Overpayments to Providers — Recoupments and Refunds
Provider Sanctions
Type and Conditions of Sanction
Fraud and Abuse
Provider Appeals
Claim Re-Determinations
Provider Appeals — Administrative Review
Provider Appeals — Contested Case Hearings
Client’s Rights and Responsibilities
Contested Case Hearing Procedures
Denial, Reduction, or Termination of Services
Client Premium Payments
Agency Hearing Representatives
Contracted Services
Institutional Reimbursement Changes
Interest Payments on Overdue Claims
Payment of Private Insurance Premiums
Requests for Information and Public Records
Last Updated

Jun. 8, 2021

Rule 410-120-1880’s source at