OAR 410-121-0030
Practitioner-Managed Prescription Drug Plan

(1) The Practitioner-Managed Prescription Drug Plan (PMPDP) is a plan that ensures that OHP fee-for-service clients have access to the most effective prescription drugs appropriate for their clinical conditions at the best possible price:
(a) Licensed health care practitioners, who are informed by the latest peer reviewed research, make decisions concerning the clinical effectiveness of the prescription drugs;
(b) Licensed health care practitioners also consider the client’s health condition, personal characteristics, and the client’s gender, race, or ethnicity.
(2) PMPDP Preferred Drug List (PDL):
(a) The PDL is the primary tool the Division uses to inform licensed health care practitioners about the results of the latest peer-reviewed research and cost effectiveness of prescription drugs;
(b) The PDL contains a list of prescription drugs that the Division, in consultation with the Drug Use Review (DUR)/Pharmacy & Therapeutics Committee (P&T), has determined represent the most effective drugs available at the best possible price;
(c) The PDL shall include drugs that are Medicaid reimbursable and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has determined to be safe and effective.
(3) PMPDP PDL Selection Process:
(a) The Division shall utilize the recommendations made by the P&T that result from an evidence-based evaluation process as the basis for selecting the most effective drugs;
(b) The Division shall ensure the drugs selected in section (3)(a) are the most effective drugs available for the best possible price and shall consider any input from the P&T about other FDA-approved drugs in the same class that are available for a lesser relative price. The Division shall determine relative price using the methodology described in section (4);
(c) The Division shall evaluate selected drugs for the drug classes periodically:
(A) The Division may evaluate more frequently if new safety information or the release of new drugs in a class or other information makes an evaluation advisable;
(B) New drugs in classes already evaluated for the PDL shall be non-preferred until the new drug has been reviewed by the P&T;
(C) The Division shall make all revisions to the PDL using the rulemaking process and shall publish the changes on the Division’s Pharmaceutical Services provider rules website.
(4) Relative cost and best possible price determination:
(a) The Division shall determine the relative cost of all drugs in each selected class that are Medicaid reimbursable and that the FDA has determined to be safe and effective;
(b) The Division may also consider dosing issues, patterns of use, and compliance issues. The Division shall weigh these factors with any advice provided by the P&T in reaching a final decision.
(5) Pharmacy providers shall dispense prescriptions in the generic form unless:
(a) The practitioner requests otherwise pursuant to OAR 410-121-0155 (Reimbursement);
(b) The Division notifies the pharmacy that the cost of the brand name particular drug, after receiving discounted prices and rebates, is equal to or less than the cost of the generic version of the drug.
(6) The exception process for obtaining non-preferred physical health drugs that are not on the PDL drugs shall be as follows:
(a) If the prescribing practitioner in their professional judgment wishes to prescribe a physical health drug not on the PDL, they may request an exception subject to the requirements of OAR 410-121-0040 (Prior Authorization Required for Drugs and Products);
(b) The prescribing practitioner must request an exception for physical health drugs not listed in the PDL subject to the requirements of OAR 410-121-0060 (How to Get Prior Authorization for Drugs);
(c) Exceptions shall be granted when:
(A) The prescriber in their professional judgment determines the non-preferred drug is medically appropriate after consulting with the Division or the Oregon Pharmacy Call Center; or
(B) Where the prescriber requests an exception subject to the requirement of section (6)(b) and fails to receive a report of PA status within 24 hours, subject to OAR 410-121-0060 (How to Get Prior Authorization for Drugs).
(7) Table 121-0030-1, PMPDP PDL dated April 1, 2021 is adopted and incorporated by reference and is found at: www.orpdl.org.

Source: Rule 410-121-0030 — Practitioner-Managed Prescription Drug Plan, .

Foreword and Definition of Terms
Organizations Authorized to Provide Pharmaceutical Prescription Services
Practitioner-Managed Prescription Drug Plan
Supplemental Rebate Agreements
Polypharmacy Profiling
Prior Authorization Required for Drugs and Products
How to Get Prior Authorization for Drugs
Durable Medical Equipment, Medical Supplies, and Medical Surgical Services (Physician Administered Drugs)
Drug Use Review
Pharmacy and Therapeutics Committee
Pharmacy Management Program
Client Confidentiality
Prescription Requirements
Dispensing Limitations
Exclusions and Limitations
Dispensing in a Nursing Facility or Community Based Care Living Facility
Billing Requirements
Participation in the Medicaid Drug Rebate Program
Dispensing Fees
Pharmacy Based Immunization Delivery
Medication Therapy Management Services and Clozapine Therapy Monitoring
Billing Forms
Instructions for Completion of the Prescription Drug Invoice
Billing Quantities, Metric Quantities and Package Sizes
CMS Federal Upper Limits for Drug Payments
DESI Less-Than-Effective Drug List
Oregon Medicaid and Pharmaceutical Manufacturers’ Dispute Resolution Procedures
Items Covered in the All-Inclusive Rate for Nursing Facilities
Last Updated

Jun. 8, 2021

Rule 410-121-0030’s source at