OAR 410-121-0111
Pharmacy and Therapeutics Committee


Pursuant to Oregon Laws 2011, chapter 720 (HB 2100), the Drug Use Review Board (DUR Board) is abolished and the tenure of office for the members of the DUR Board expires. The legislature transferred the duties, functions and powers previously vested in the DUR Board to the Pharmacy and Therapeutics (P&T) Committee. This rule is retroactively effective on September 5, 2011, the date the P&T Committee was created and the DUR Board was abolished by HB 2100 and expires whenever the Oregon Health Authority (Authority) suspends the rule.


Unless otherwise inconsistent with these administrative rules or other laws, any administrative rule or agency policy with reference to the DUR Board or a DUR Board volunteer, staff or contractor shall be considered to be a reference to the P&T Committee or a P&T Committee volunteer, staff or contractor. The current preferred drug list (PDL), prior authorization process, and utilization review process developed by the DUR Board remains in effect until such time as the Authority, after recommendations and advice from the P&T Committee, modifies them through the adoption of new administrative rules or policies and procedures.


The P&T Committee shall advise the Oregon Health Authority (Authority) on the:


Implementation of the medical assistance program retrospective and prospective programs, including the type of software programs to be used by the pharmacist for prospective drug use review and the provisions of the contractual agreement between the state and any entity involved in the retrospective program;


Implementation of the Practitioner Managed Prescription Drug Plan (PMPDP);


Adoption of administrative rules pertaining to the P&T Committee;


Development of and application of the criteria and standards to be used in retrospective and prospective drug use review and safety edit programs in a manner that ensures that such criteria and standards are based on compendia, relevant guidelines obtained from professional groups through consensus-driven processes, the experience of practitioners with expertise in drug therapy, data and experience obtained from drug utilization review program operations. The P&T Committee must have an open professional consensus process, establish an explicit ongoing process for soliciting and considering input from interested parties, and make timely revisions to the criteria and standards based on this input and scheduled reviews;


Development, selection and application of and assessment for interventions being educational and not punitive in nature for medical assistance program prescribers, dispensers and patients.


The P&T Committee shall make recommendations to the Authority, subject to approval by the Director or the Director’s designee, for drugs to be included on any PDL adopted by the Authority and on the PMPDP. The P&T Committee shall also recommend all utilization controls, prior authorization requirements or other conditions for the inclusion of a drug on the PDL.


The P&T Committee shall, with the approval of the Director or designee, do the following:


Publish an annual report;


Publish and disseminate educational information to prescribers and pharmacists regarding the P&T Committee and the drug use review programs, including information on the following:


Identifying and reducing the frequency of patterns of fraud, abuse or inappropriate or medically unnecessary care among prescribers, pharmacists and recipients;


Potential or actual severe or adverse reactions to drugs;


Therapeutic appropriateness;


Overutilization or underutilization;


Appropriate use of generic products;


Therapeutic duplication;


Drug-disease contraindications;


Drug-drug interactions;


Drug allergy interactions;


Clinical abuse and misuse.


Patient safety


Adopt and implement procedures designed to ensure the confidentiality of any information that identifies individual prescribers, pharmacists or recipients and that is collected, stored, retrieved, assessed or analyzed by the P&T Committee, staff of the P&T Committee, contractors to the P&T Committee or the Authority.

Source: Rule 410-121-0111 — Pharmacy and Therapeutics Committee, .

Foreword and Definition of Terms
Organizations Authorized to Provide Pharmaceutical Prescription Services
Practitioner-Managed Prescription Drug Plan
Supplemental Rebate Agreements
Polypharmacy Profiling
Prior Authorization Required for Drugs and Products
How to Get Prior Authorization for Drugs
Durable Medical Equipment, Medical Supplies, and Medical Surgical Services (Physician Administered Drugs)
Drug Use Review
Pharmacy and Therapeutics Committee
Pharmacy Management Program
Client Confidentiality
Prescription Requirements
Dispensing Limitations
Exclusions and Limitations
Dispensing in a Nursing Facility or Community Based Care Living Facility
Billing Requirements
Participation in the Medicaid Drug Rebate Program
Dispensing Fees
Pharmacy Based Immunization Delivery
Medication Therapy Management Services and Clozapine Therapy Monitoring
Billing Forms
Instructions for Completion of the Prescription Drug Invoice
Billing Quantities, Metric Quantities and Package Sizes
CMS Federal Upper Limits for Drug Payments
DESI Less-Than-Effective Drug List
Oregon Medicaid and Pharmaceutical Manufacturers’ Dispute Resolution Procedures
Items Covered in the All-Inclusive Rate for Nursing Facilities
Last Updated

Jun. 8, 2021

Rule 410-121-0111’s source at