OAR 410-121-0040
Prior Authorization Required for Drugs and Products

(1) Prescribing practitioners shall obtain prior authorization (PA) for the drugs and categories of drugs requiring PA in this rule, using the procedures set forth in OAR 410-121-0060 (How to Get Prior Authorization for Drugs).
(2) All drugs and categories of drugs including, but not limited to, those drugs and categories of drugs that require PA shall meet the following requirements for coverage:
(a) Each drug shall be prescribed for conditions funded by the Oregon Health Plan (OHP) in a manner consistent with the Health Evidence Review Commission (HERC) Prioritized List of Health Services (OAR 410-141-3820 (Covered Services) through 410-141-3825 (Excluded Services and Limitations)). If the medication is for a non-covered diagnosis, the medication may not be covered unless there is a co-morbid condition for which coverage would be allowed. The use of the medication shall meet corresponding treatment guidelines and be included within the client’s benefit package of covered services and not otherwise excluded or limited;
(b) Each drug shall also meet other criteria applicable to the drug or category of drug in these pharmacy provider rules, including PA requirements imposed in this rule.
(3) The Authority may require PA for individual drugs and categories of drugs to ensure that the drugs prescribed are indicated for conditions funded by OHP and consistent with the Prioritized List of Health Services and its corresponding treatment guidelines (see OAR 410-141-3820 (Covered Services)). The drugs and categories of drugs that the Authority requires PA for this purpose are found in the Oregon Medicaid Fee-for-Service Prior Authorization Approval Criteria (PA Criteria guide) dated May 01, 2021, adopted and incorporated by reference and found at: https:/­/­www.oregon.gov/­oha/­HSD/­OHP/­Pages/­Policy-Pharmacy.aspx
(4) The Authority may require PA for individual drugs and categories of drugs to ensure medically appropriate use or to address potential client safety risk associated with the particular drug or category of drug, as recommended by the Pharmacy & Therapeutics Committee (P&T) and adopted by the Authority in this rule. The drugs and categories of drugs for which the Authority requires PA for this purpose are found in the Pharmacy PA Criteria Guide.
(5) New drugs shall be evaluated when added to the weekly upload of the First Databank drug file:
(a) If the new drug is in a class where current PA criteria apply, all associated PA criteria shall be required at the time of the drug file load;
(b) If the new drug is indicated for a condition below the funding line on the Prioritized List of Health Services, PA shall be required to ensure that the drug is prescribed for a condition funded by OHP;
(c) PA criteria for all new drugs shall be reviewed by the DUR/P&T Committee.
(6) PA shall be obtained for brand name drugs that have two or more generically equivalent products available and that are not determined Narrow Therapeutic Index drugs by the DUR/P&T Committee:
(a) Immunosuppressant drugs used in connection with an organ transplant shall be evaluated for narrow therapeutic index within 180 days after United States patent expiration;
(b) Manufacturers of immunosuppressant drugs used in connection with an organ transplant shall notify the Authority of patent expiration within 30 days of patent expiration for section (5)(a) to apply;
(c) Criteria for approval are:
(A) If criteria established in section (3) or (4) of this rule applies, follow that criteria;
(B) If section (6)(A) does not apply, the prescribing practitioner shall document that the use of the generically equivalent drug is medically contraindicated and provide evidence that either the drug has been used and has failed or that its use is contraindicated based on evidence-based peer reviewed literature that is appropriate to the client’s medical condition.
(7) PA shall be obtained for non-preferred Preferred Drug List (PDL) products in a class evaluated for the PDL except in the following cases:
(a) The drug is a mental health drug as defined in OAR 410-121-0000 (Foreword and Definition of Terms);
(b) The original prescription is written prior to 11/10;
(c) The prescription is a refill for the treatment of seizures, cancer, HIV, or AIDS; or
(d) The prescription is a refill of an immunosuppressant.
(8) PA may not be required:
(a) When the prescription ingredient cost plus the dispensing fee is less than the PA processing fees as determined by the Authority;
(b) For over-the-counter (OTC) covered drugs when prescribed for conditions covered under OHP; or
(c) If a drug is in a class not evaluated from the Practitioner-Managed Prescription Drug Plan under ORS 414.334 (Practitioner-Managed Prescription Drug Plan for medical assistance program).

Source: Rule 410-121-0040 — Prior Authorization Required for Drugs and Products, https://secure.­sos.­state.­or.­us/oard/view.­action?ruleNumber=410-121-0040.

Foreword and Definition of Terms
Organizations Authorized to Provide Pharmaceutical Prescription Services
Practitioner-Managed Prescription Drug Plan
Supplemental Rebate Agreements
Polypharmacy Profiling
Prior Authorization Required for Drugs and Products
How to Get Prior Authorization for Drugs
Durable Medical Equipment, Medical Supplies, and Medical Surgical Services (Physician Administered Drugs)
Drug Use Review
Pharmacy and Therapeutics Committee
Pharmacy Management Program
Client Confidentiality
Prescription Requirements
Dispensing Limitations
Exclusions and Limitations
Dispensing in a Nursing Facility or Community Based Care Living Facility
Billing Requirements
Participation in the Medicaid Drug Rebate Program
Dispensing Fees
Pharmacy Based Immunization Delivery
Medication Therapy Management Services and Clozapine Therapy Monitoring
Billing Forms
Instructions for Completion of the Prescription Drug Invoice
Billing Quantities, Metric Quantities and Package Sizes
CMS Federal Upper Limits for Drug Payments
DESI Less-Than-Effective Drug List
Oregon Medicaid and Pharmaceutical Manufacturers’ Dispute Resolution Procedures
Items Covered in the All-Inclusive Rate for Nursing Facilities
Last Updated

Jun. 8, 2021

Rule 410-121-0040’s source at