OAR 410-132-0020
Private Duty Nursing Services


The practice of nursing is governed by the following: Oregon State Board of Nursing, ORS 678.010 (Definitions for ORS 678.010 to 678.410) to 678.410 (Fees), and Oregon State Board of Nursing, chapter 851, divisions 031, 045, and 047.


Private duty nursing is considered supportive to the care provided to a client by the client’s family, foster parents, and delegated caregivers, as applicable. Nursing services shall be medically appropriate. Medically appropriate for private duty nursing shift care is determined by qualifying for services based on the Private Duty Nursing Acuity Grid (DMAP 591). Increases or decreases in the level of care and number of hours or visits authorized shall be based on a change in the client’s condition, program limitations, and the family, foster parents, or delegated caregiver’s ability to provide care.

Source: Rule 410-132-0020 — Private Duty Nursing Services, https://secure.­sos.­state.­or.­us/oard/view.­action?ruleNumber=410-132-0020.

Last Updated

Jun. 8, 2021

Rule 410-132-0020’s source at