OAR 410-142-0160
Revoking the Election of Hospice Care


An individual or representative may revoke the individual’s election of hospice care at any time during an election period.


Revocation Procedure: To revoke the election of hospice care, the individual or representative must file with the Hospice a statement to be placed in the medical record that includes the following information:


A signed statement that the individual or representative revokes the individual’s election for coverage of hospice care for the remainder of that election period;


The date that the revocation is to be effective. (An individual or representative may not designate an effective date earlier than the date that the revocation is made.)


An individual, upon revocation of the election of coverage of hospice care for a particular election period:


Is no longer covered for hospice care;


Resumes eligibility for all covered services as before the election to hospice; and


May at any time elect to receive hospice coverage for any other hospice election periods he or she is eligible to receive, in accordance with OAR 410-142-0120 (Duration of Hospice Care).

Source: Rule 410-142-0160 — Revoking the Election of Hospice Care, .

Last Updated

Jun. 8, 2021

Rule 410-142-0160’s source at