OAR 410-142-0290
Hospice Services in a Nursing Facility


Pursuant to Title XIX, Section 1902 and 1905, federal statute prohibits the state from paying nursing facility (NF) providers directly for NF services when their Medicaid residents elect hospice care. In these instances, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) require the state to pay the hospice provider the additional amount equal to at least 95% of the per diem rate the state would have paid to the NF for NF services for that client in that facility.


When a client resides in a NF and elects hospice care, the hospice provider and the NF must have a written contract which addresses the provision of hospice care and the method upon which the hospice will pay the NF. The hospice and the NF must maintain a copy of the completed and signed contract on file and it must be available upon request.


Reimbursement when a client resides in a NF and elects hospice care:


In accordance with CMS 4308.2, “when hospice care is furnished to an individual residing in a NF, the state will pay hospice an additional amount on routine home care or continuous home care days to take into account the room and board furnished by the NF. In this context, the term ‘room and board’ includes performance of personal care services, including assistance in the activities of daily living, in socializing activities, administration of medication, maintaining the cleanliness of a residents’ room, and supervision and assisting in the use of durable medical equipment and prescribed therapies,” as well as any other services considered under the bundled rate for which the NF is paid pursuant to OAR 411-070.


The hospice shall bill the Division of Medical Assistance Programs (Division) directly for the hospice care provided (under routine home care, Revenue code 651, or continuous home care, Revenue code 652) and for the cost of NF services at their usual and customary rate for NF services delivered in that NF for that client;


The Division shall pay the hospice provider for the hospice care provided and not to exceed 100% of the current NF basic, complex medical, pediatric, or special contract rate according to the rate schedule for NF services delivered in that NF for that client;


The hospice provider must reimburse the nursing facility according to their contract and after the hospice receives payment from the Division for that NF for that client; and


Reimbursement for services provided under this rule is available only if the recipient of the services is Medicaid-eligible, hospice-eligible, and been found to need NF care through the Pre-Admission Screening process under OAR 411-070-0040 (Screening, Assessment, and Resident Review).


NF Services Overpayment: Any payment received from the Division by a NF for services delivered after a client has elected hospice care shall adjust their claims from the day the client first elected hospice care. Failure to submit an adjustment subjects the NF to potential sanctions and all means of overpayment recovery authorized under OAR chapter 410, division 120.


Coordination of Care (COC) must be provided according to CMS Conditions of Participation (CoPs), 42CFR418.112 for hospice and nursing facilities.


Coordinated Care Organization (CCO) and Prepaid Health Plan (PHP) clients who reside in a NF and elect hospice care shall remain in the CCO and PHP for all care other than hospice services in the NF. Hospice services for a resident in a NF shall be excluded from CCO and PHP capitation and the hospice must bill the Division directly for payment of hospice and NF services.

Source: Rule 410-142-0290 — Hospice Services in a Nursing Facility, .

Last Updated

Jun. 8, 2021

Rule 410-142-0290’s source at