OAR 410-180-0325
Application and Renewal Process for Traditional Health Worker (THW) Certification and Registry Enrollment

(1) Individuals seeking THW certification and registry enrollment shall:
(a) Be at least 18 years of age;
(b) Not be listed on the Medicaid provider exclusion list;
(c) Successfully complete all training requirements for certification in a traditional health worker category as outlined in these rules;
(d) Pass a background check as described in OAR 410-180-0326 (Background Check Requirements);
(e) Beginning August 31, 2018, successfully complete an Authority approved oral health training;
(f) Submit to the Authority all required documentation and a completed application on an Authority prescribed form.
(2) An individual applying for certification or renewal as a peer support specialist as that term is defined in OAR 410-180-0305 (Definitions)(11)(b)(c) may have their background check completed by an outside entity pursuant to 410-180-0326 (Background Check Requirements) and be certified by that entity:
(a) The entity’s certification requirements shall include all peer support specialist’s certification and renewal requirements set forth in these rules;
(b) For Authority certification or renewal and entry into the registry, peer support specialists shall either:
(A) Have the outside entity submit their certification and background check information to the Authority; or
(B) Submit to the Authority all required documentation and a completed application on an Authority prescribed form.
(3) Individuals seeking THW certification and registry enrollment as a grandfathered community health worker, peer wellness specialist, personal health navigator, or peer support specialist shall:
(a) Be at least 18 years of age;
(b) Not be listed on the Medicaid provider exclusion list;
(c) Pass a background check as described in OAR 410-180-0326 (Background Check Requirements);
(d) Submit to the Authority all required documentation and a completed application on an Authority prescribed form by June 30, 2021, including:
(A) A minimum of one letter of recommendation from any previous employer for whom THW services were provided between January 1, 2008, and June 30, 2021; and
(B) Verifiable evidence of working or volunteering in the capacity of a community health worker, peer wellness specialist, or personal health navigator for at least 3000 hours between January 1, 2008, and June 30, 2021; or
(C) Verifiable evidence of working or volunteering in the capacity of a peer support specialist for at least 2000 hours between January 1, 2008, and June 30, 2021.
(4) Registry applications are available on the THW program webpage or by request to the Oregon Health Authority Office of Equity and Inclusion.
(5) An individual may withdraw from the application process for certification and enrollment or from the registry by submitting written notification to the Authority unless a complaint investigation or revocation proceeding is underway.
(6) Except for birth doulas, applicants shall apply for certification within three years of completing a training program to be eligible for certification and registry enrollment.
(7) Except for birth doulas, applicants denied certification because they completed a training program more than three years prior to application may file an appeal with the Authority for an exemption.
(8) If the Authority determines that an applicant meets the requirements of this section, the Authority shall notify the applicant in writing granting the individual certification as a THW and adding the individual to the registry.
(9) Certification is valid for 36 months from the date of certification.
(10) A THW seeking certification renewal shall:
(a) Submit a completed renewal application on an Authority prescribed form no less than 30 days before the expiration of the current certification period;
(b) Pass a background check as described in OAR 410-180-0326 (Background Check Requirements);
(c) Provide written verification indicating that the certificate holder meets the applicable requirements for continuing education set forth in OAR 410-180-0320 (Traditional Health Worker Continuing Education Requirements); and
(d) During the renewal period occurring between October 2017 and October 2020:
(A) Complete Authority approved oral health training; and
(B) Submit proof of completion with their renewal application.
(11) The Authority shall remove a THW from the registry if the THW fails to renew certification within the renewal period.
(12) THWs removed from the registry following certification expiration shall be denied renewal unless they file an appeal with the Authority within 60 calendar days of certification expiration and are granted an exemption.

Source: Rule 410-180-0325 — Application and Renewal Process for Traditional Health Worker (THW) Certification and Registry Enrollment, https://secure.­sos.­state.­or.­us/oard/view.­action?ruleNumber=410-180-0325.

Last Updated

Jun. 8, 2021

Rule 410-180-0325’s source at