OAR 410-180-0350
Training Program Requirements

(1) All Authority approved training programs shall:
(a) Meet the curriculum requirements for the THW type being trained;
(b) Demonstrate active efforts to establish equivalency for students who have previously completed training that meets one or more training requirements for their THW type;
(c) Require experienced THWs of their THW certification type be involved in developing and teaching the core curriculum;
(d) Demonstrate that the organization has sufficient cultural diversity or collaborates with an organization devoted to cultural diversity to address the needs of a culturally diverse population both in training traditional health workers and in training traditional health workers to administer to the needs of the culturally diverse population served.
(e) Demonstrate the use of various teaching methodologies, including but not limited to popular education and adult learning;
(f) Demonstrate the use of various training delivery formats, including but not limited to classroom instruction and group and distance learning;
(g) Demonstrate efforts to make training inclusive and accessible to individuals with different learning styles, education backgrounds, and needs;
(h) Demonstrate efforts to remove barriers to enrollment for students;
(i) Include any combination of written, oral, or practical cognitive examinations to evaluate and document the acquisition of knowledge and mastery of skills required by the curriculum designed to instruct in the THW competencies;
(j) Demonstrate the inclusion of a method or process for individuals trained by the program to evaluate and give feedback on the training experience;
(k) Maintain an accurate record of everyone’s attendance and participation in training for at least five years after course completion;
(L) Agree to verify and provide the Authority with names of individuals who successfully completes the training program when those individuals apply for certification and registry enrollment;
(m) Agree to issue a certificate of completion or a certificate of attendance to all successful training program participants. Only a certificate of completion is acceptable as verification of Authority approved training for placement on the registry. A certificate of completion indicates that the participant meets all required instruction, demonstrates achievement of all competency requirements, and has life experience as defined in OAR 410-180-305 if applying for PSS, PWS, FSS, or YSS certification or if applying for CHW and has experiential knowledge from the same community in which they serve as a CHW as defined by race, ethnicity, geography, age, disabilities, language or culture.
(2) Individuals or entities applying to become an Authority approved training program shall submit information to the Authority that includes at minimum:
(a) Contact information for the individual or entity, including director name and contact information;
(b) Syllabus, curriculum guide, and course materials that demonstrate the curriculum covers the required competencies;
(c) Indication of the training type and curriculum, including specialized training to be offered for community health workers, peer wellness specialists, peer support specialists, family support specialists, youth support specialists, personal health navigators, and birth doulas;
(d) An overview of the teaching philosophy and methodology;
(e) A description of the method of final examinations;
(f) Description of the criteria for providing a certificate of attendance or a certificate of completion;
(g) A list of instructors, including experienced THWs for that THW type;
(h) A description of the geographic area served;
(i) A signed agreement describing a CBO partnership, if the applicant is not a CBO;
(j) A description of the approach for recruiting and enrolling a diverse student population to meet the needs of the community, including any strategies for reducing barriers to enrollment; and
(k) An indication of whether academic credit may be given for successful completion of the training program.
(L) A description of training and attendee recordkeeping.

Source: Rule 410-180-0350 — Training Program Requirements, .

Last Updated

Jun. 8, 2021

Rule 410-180-0350’s source at