OAR 411-020-0060


All calls or contacts involving the possibility of abuse or self-neglect must be directed to APS screening.


Screening is the skilled interviewing process used to gather and assess information in order to determine eligibility for Adult Protective Services. This activity includes a determination of whether the reported concern meets the definition of abuse or self-neglect.


All complaints regarding a person receiving services in a Nursing Facility must be referred immediately to the APD Nursing Facility Survey Unit (NFSU) for screening, triage, and Facility investigation. NFSU will refer any concerns regarding external parties (e.g. family members) back to APS for screening and potential investigation under Community APS rules.


If the reported concern meets the definition of abuse or self-neglect, screening activities may include, but are not limited to:


Gathering information about the alleged victim’s current level of functioning.


Gathering demographic information and the history of the current problem.


Gathering information from collateral sources.


If the reported concern does not meet the definition of abuse or self-neglect, but requires intervention, response shall include referral to other resources, including case management, licensing, APS risk management, or other services as appropriate.


If the reported concern does not meet the definition of abuse or self-neglect or require intervention, but may be addressed by specialized information or assistance, a referral to APS consultation may be appropriate.


If the reported abuse involves an individual who is currently:


Receiving APD case management or eligibility services, the assigned APD worker must be notified.


An adult foster home resident, the local licensor must be notified.


Receiving services from a regulated provider, the appropriate regulating authority must be notified.


Receiving services from an APD contracted provider, then the appropriate Central APD unit must be notified.


A minor with Child Welfare involvement or an individual up to age 21 receiving services from a Child Caring Agency, then Child Welfare must be notified.


The local office must give the reporter of abuse enough information to re-contact the office to determine the disposition of the report, e.g. contact information and intake number for the report.


Each local office must establish an afterhours reporting system.
Last Updated

Jun. 8, 2021

Rule 411-020-0060’s source at or​.us