OAR 411-020-0085
Law Enforcement Notification


The Department or local office shall immediately notify law enforcement if any of the following conditions exist:


Reasonable cause to believe a crime has been committed;


The situation presents a credible danger to the Department worker or others and police escort is advisable;


Forensic photographic or other evidence is needed; or


Those required under OAR 411-020-0123 (Accessing Protected Health Information, including Records) or 411-020-0126 (Accessing Financial Records).


The Department or local office shall proceed collaboratively with law enforcement in a way that does not further endanger the alleged victim. Any law enforcement officer accompanying the investigator must be identified as such to any party being interviewed.


Written notice, regardless of any verbal notice given, shall be provided to law enforcement for all instances when the Department finds there is reasonable cause to believe a crime has been committed.


When the local office notifies a law enforcement agency of suspected crime committed against an alleged victim, the local office shall retain any record of the law enforcement agency’s confirmation of receipt of notification.

Source: Rule 411-020-0085 — Law Enforcement Notification, https://secure.­sos.­state.­or.­us/oard/view.­action?ruleNumber=411-020-0085.

Last Updated

Jun. 8, 2021

Rule 411-020-0085’s source at or​.us