OAR 411-348-0140
Physical Environment


All floors, walls, ceilings, windows, furniture, and fixtures must be kept in good repair, clean, and free from odors. Walls, ceilings, and floors must be of such character to permit frequent washing, cleaning, or painting.


The interior and exterior must be well and safely maintained and accessible according to children’s needs.


The water supply and sewage disposal must meet the requirements of the current rules of the Oregon Health Authority governing domestic water supply.


A public water supply must be utilized if available. If a non-municipal water source is used, a sample must be collected yearly by a provider, sanitarian, or technician from a certified water-testing laboratory. The water sample must be tested for coliform bacteria and action taken to ensure potability. Test records must be retained for three years.


Septic tanks or other non-municipal sewage disposal systems must be in good working order.


Incontinence garments must be disposed of in closed containers.


A program provider must establish and implement a policy for the appropriate disposal of biohazards and medical waste.


All heating and cooling devices and systems must be installed in accordance with current building codes and must be in working order. Areas of a Host Home used by children must be maintained at a temperature within a comfort range reasonable for the children residing in the Host Home. Minimum temperatures when children are in the Host Home may not be less than 60 degrees Fahrenheit.


During times of extreme summer heat, a program provider, in-residence caregiver, and staff must make every reasonable effort to make the children comfortable and safe using ventilation, fans, or air conditioners. The temperature in a home may not exceed 85 degrees Fahrenheit.


If a child’s needs require a strictly maintained temperature or temperatures outside of a reasonable comfort range, a program provider, in-residence caregiver, or staff must maintain the environment according to the child’s needs as directed by a health care provider and as identified in the child’s ISP.


Screening for workable fireplaces and heaters with exposed heating elements must be provided.


Handrails must be provided on all stairways.


Yard and exterior steps must be accessible and appropriate to the needs of the children.


Swimming pools, hot tubs, saunas, spas, ponds, and trampolines must be equipped with safety barriers or devices designed to prevent accidental injury and unsupervised access.


Sanitation for household pets and other domestic animals must be adequate to prevent health hazards. Proof of current rabies vaccinations and any other vaccinations that are required for the pet by a licensed veterinarian must be maintained on the premises. Pets not confined in enclosures must be under control and may not present a danger or health risk to children or guests.


All measures necessary must be taken to prevent the entry of rodents, flies, mosquitoes, and other insects or pests.


The interior and exterior of a Host Home must be kept free of litter, garbage, and refuse.


Any work undertaken at a Host home including, but not limited to, demolition, construction, remodeling, maintenance, repair, or replacement must comply with all applicable state and local building, electrical, plumbing, and zoning codes.




There must be a phone in the Host Home at all times and a child must have reasonable access to the telephone.


The following emergency telephone numbers must be located in an accessible place within a Host Home:


Local CDDP;


Police, fire, and medical, if not served by 911;


Program provider on-call or designee;


Emergency physician; and


Additional people to be contacted in the case of an emergency.


Telephone numbers for making complaints or a report of alleged abuse to the Department, the local CDDP, the Residential Facilities Ombudsman, and Disability Rights Oregon must also be posted.


A program provider must notify the Department, children, and as applicable the children’s families, guardians, and service coordinators, of any change in the Host Home’s telephone number within 24 hours of the change.


A poster for the Residential Facilities Ombudsman Program must be posted in a location described by the Ombudsman in accordance with ORS 443.392 (Notice of complaint procedures).

Source: Rule 411-348-0140 — Physical Environment, https://secure.­sos.­state.­or.­us/oard/view.­action?ruleNumber=411-348-0140.

Statement of Purpose
Definitions and Acronyms
Program Management, Endorsement, Certification, and Enrollment
Issuance of License
Application for Initial License
In-Residence Caregiver Applicant Study
License Expiration, Termination of Operations, and License Return
License Conditions
License Renewal
Change of Ownership, Legal Entity, Legal Status, Management Corporation, and In-Residence Caregiver
Medical Services
Food and Nutrition
Physical Environment
General Safety
Staffing Requirements
Individual Summary Sheets
Emergency Information
Transition Planning and Supporting Families
Required Furnishings
Emergency Plan and Safety Review
Assessment of Fire Evacuation Assistance and Fire Safety Evacuation Plan
Fire Drill Requirements and Fire Safety
Fire Safety Evacuation Plans
Fire Safety Requirements
Rights, Complaints, Notification of Planned Action, and Hearings
Behavior Supports and Physical Restraints
Psychotropic Medications and Medication for Behavior
Personal Property
Financial Records and Managing Money
Entry, Exit, Transfer, and Closure
Alternative Care, Childcare, Camp, and Alternate Caregivers
Individual Support Plan
Civil Penalties
License Denial, Suspension, Revocation, and Refusal to Renew
Criminal Penalties
Provider Eligibility for Medicaid Service Payment
Last Updated

Jun. 8, 2021

Rule 411-348-0140’s source at or​.us