OAR 413-017-0050

Unless the context indicates otherwise, the following definitions apply to OAR chapter 413, division 017.


“Child” means child as defined in OAR 413-015-0115 (Definitions).


“Abuse” means abuse as defined in OAR 413-015-0115 (Definitions) of a child.


“Child protective services assessment” means CPS assessment as defined in OAR 4130-15-0115.


“Critical incident” means an incident that resulted in the death of a child if the Department reasonably believes the death was the result of child abuse and:


The deceased child was in the custody of the Department at the time of the fatality; or


The deceased child, the deceased child’s sibling, or any other child living in the household with the deceased child was the subject of a CPS assessment by the Department within the 12 months preceding the fatality; or


The child, the child’s sibling, or any other child living in the household with the child had a pending child welfare or adoption case with the Department within the 12 months preceding the fatality; or


The deceased child, the deceased child’s sibling, or any other child living in the household with the deceased child was the subject of a report of abuse made to the Department or a law enforcement agency within the 12 months preceding the fatality, whether the report of abuse was closed at screening or assigned for CPS assessment.


“Critical Incident Review Team (CIRT)” means a designated committee, assigned by the Department director, to conduct an executive review of a critical incident.


“Department” means the Oregon Department of Human Services.


“Designated Medical Professional” means Designated Medical Professional as defined in OAR 413-015-0115 (Definitions).


“Indian Tribe” means Indian Tribe as defined in OAR 415-115-0000.


“Sibling” means sibling as defined in OAR 413-030-0000 (Definitions).
Last Updated

Jun. 8, 2021

Rule 413-017-0050’s source at or​.us