OAR 413-120-0635
Cooperative Adoption Planning Through Legal Assistance Mediation Services


Department will provide information on an ongoing basis to birth and adoptive families, Department staff, and other interested persons in the child’s life: Information regarding the value and benefits of cooperative adoption planning; the use of mediation as a tool to achieve a cooperative adoption; and, the roles of all mediation participants in the cooperative adoption process. This concurrent planning education will take place early and often throughout the case. (See Flow Chart Box 1 & 2)


The birth parents, identified adoptive parents, CASA, child, attorneys of record, Citizen Review Boards and other persons interested in the child’s need for permanency, safety and well-being may request that the case be referred for cooperative adoption mediation services. (See Flow Chart Box 3.)


The Department will obtain input from interested persons, prior to or during the cooperative adoption planning process, regarding the appropriateness of cooperative adoption planning to address the child’s permanency, safety and well-being. (See Flow Chart Box 4.)


On an ongoing basis, Department staff will explore the willingness of the birth and adoptive parents to engage in the cooperative adoption planning process through mediation. (See Flow Chart Box 5.)


A Mediation Referral Form must not be submitted until a committee has selected the adoptive parents for a child, either at the preliminary current caretaker or adoption committee, and until the case has been staffed and approved for mediation by a LAS. See OAR 413-120-0010 (Purpose) to 413-120-0060 (Review of the Adoption Placement Selection).


To support the development of a cooperative adoption planning process through mediation, the Department has the following responsibilities:


If parents want to plan cooperatively and there is no approval for a legal assistance referral an exception can be made to allow for a referral for mediation using the criteria provided in OAR 413-120-0628 (Criteria for Using the Cooperative Adoption Mediation Process).


The child’s caseworker must obtain from the birth parent(s) and from the adoptive parents, if no adoption worker is assigned, a signed DHS 2098 Authorization for Use and Disclosure of Non-Health Information and DHS 2099 Authorization for Use and Disclosure of Health Information to the mediator;


The child’s caseworker, and in some cases, the adoptive parents’ worker, must provide to the mediator, on the CF 437b Contact Information Form, information of the mediation participants, and other collateral resources when applicable.


In order to allow for informed decision-making by the adoptive parents in the cooperative adoption mediation process, the adoption worker must:


Provide the adoptive parents with the case materials itemized on the Form CF 963;


Review with the adoptive parents the statement of benefits to the child for cooperative adoption planning listed on the Cooperative Adoption Mediation Referral Form CF 0437;


Obtain from the adoptive parents a signed Authorization of Use and Disclosure of Non-Health Information Form DHS 2098 and a signed Authorization for Use and Disclosure of Health Information Form DHS 2099 authorizing release of information to the mediator;


Be responsible to contact the mediator if the adoption worker is assigned after the cooperative adoption mediation process has already begun.


The Cooperative Adoption Mediation Referral form must be forwarded to the central office LAS assigned to the local Department office for approval of funds disbursement. If funds are approved, Central office staff must notify the mediator that funds have been approved and that the mediation service may begin. (See Flow Chart Box 6.)


A child welfare mediator contracted to provide cooperative adoption mediation must have the following responsibilities:


The mediator must keep confidential all mediation communications. (ORS 36.220 (Confidentiality of mediation communications and agreements)-25.238);


The mediator must accept referrals from the Department on the Cooperative Mediation Referral Form CF 0437;


Within two weeks of receiving the CF 0437, the mediator must contact the child’s worker and the adoption worker of the selected adoptive family for additional information on the case and further discussion of the Department’s safety concerns, if needed (See Flow Chart Box 7.);


After contacting the child’s worker and the adoption worker, but within the two week of receiving the CF 0437, the mediator must contact the birth parent(s) and adoptive parent(s) to begin mediation services,


The beginning of the mediation process, the mediator must inform the mediation participants about the mediation process, explain their role and responsibilities during the process, provide them with a copy of ORS 109.305 (Interpretation of adoption laws), review the mediation referral form with the mediation participants and provide them with a copy, and if the mediation participants choose to continue in mediation, obtain their signature on the Agreement to Mediate Form (See Flow Chart 8a.);


The mediator must make collateral contact with professionals involved in the case including, but not limited to, children’s attorney, CASA, and birth and adoptive parent(s)’ attorneys. If requested, the mediator must also keep informed, the Assistant Attorney General or Deputy District Attorney assigned to the case;


If the mediation participants reach agreement and the mediation participants desire it, the mediator must draft a PACA. The PACA must address the mediation participant’s issues and the documented safety concerns as set forth in the Mediation Referral Form (See Flow Chart 9.);


The mediator must provide the draft PACA to the mediation participants and must encourage the mediation participants to review the draft with legal counsel;


Once the mediation participants have approved the draft, the mediator must provide the child’s worker with the proposed PACA for the review and concurrence that it meets the safety needs of the child.


The Department has the following additional responsibilities:


The child’s caseworker must review the draft PACA solely for the purpose of assessing whether it will meet the safety needs of the child, as set forth in the Mediation Referral Form (See Flow Chart Box 9.);


If the child’s caseworker concludes that the PACA meets the safety needs of the child, the child’s caseworker or other agency representative must sign the final PACA. (Flow Chart Box 11(b).)


If the child’s caseworker concludes that the PACA may not meet the safety needs of the child, the child’s caseworker must notify the LAS. The LAS must inform the mediation participants in the form of written communication sent to the mediator (“LAS Notice”). The LAS Notice must state the continued safety concerns for the child. (See Flow Chart Box 11(a).)


A contracted mediator has the following additional responsibilities:


If the mediator is informed through a LAS Notice (see Flow Chart, Box 11) that the PACA does not meet the safety needs of the child, the mediator must set another mediation session with the mediation participants, and an agency representative, if requested by the mediation participants. The mediator may consult with the child’s caseworker for clarification about the LAS Notice before setting the additional mediation session.


If the additional mediation session results in a revised draft PACA, the mediator will repeat the processes outlined in (9)(g) through 10(c) in this rule.


After the Department determines that the revised draft PACA meets the safety needs of the child, the mediator must arrange for the mediation participants and an agency representative to sign the agreement (See Flow Chart 11(b));


If no agreement can be reached, the mediator must send a letter summarizing the situation to Central Office with the final invoice.
[ED. NOTE: Forms and Flow Charts referenced are available from the agency.]

Source: Rule 413-120-0635 — Cooperative Adoption Planning Through Legal Assistance Mediation Services, https://secure.­sos.­state.­or.­us/oard/view.­action?ruleNumber=413-120-0635.

Adoption Placement Selection Options
Adoption Placement Selection by Caseworker
Composition of an Adoption Committee
Invitation to and Notification of Adoption Committee
The Adoption Committee
Adoption Placement Selection, Notification, and Documentation
Review of the Adoption Placement Selection
Conditions for Not Filing a Petition for Adoption
Right to Use Expedited Process
Requirements Prior to Proceeding to Legalization of the Adoption
Attorney Fees
Court Filing Requirements
Adoption Application Requirements
Conflict of Interest for Adoptive Applicants
Conditions that Require Additional Approval or Termination of the Department’s Adoption Application Process
Status Notification of Adoption Applications
Prioritization of an Adoption Home Study Application
Standards for an Adoptive Home and Release of an Adoption Home Study
Circumstances in which a Criminal Records Check Must Occur and Types of Records Checks Required
Disqualifying and Potentially Disqualifying Criminal Convictions
Potentially Disqualifying Arrests
Weighing Test
Contesting a Fitness Determination
Record Keeping, Confidentiality
Roles and Responsibilities
Criteria for Using the Cooperative Adoption Mediation Process
Post Adoption Communication Agreements (PACAs)
Cooperative Adoption Planning Through Legal Assistance Mediation Services
Department Efforts to Place with Relatives, Current Caretakers and to Place Siblings Together
Order of Preference for Identification of Potential Adoptive Resources
Current Caretaker or Relative Caregiver Request for an Adoption Home Study
Recruitment Efforts
Identification of a Child’s Potential Adoptive Resources
Department Actions Prior to Placement
Early Adoption Transition
Placement and Post-placement Supervision
No Delay in Placement
Duty to Provide Information to Convention Case Registry
Adoption of a Child Immigrating to the United States (Incoming Convention Adoption)
Adoption of a Child Emigrating from the United States (Outgoing Convention Adoption)
Transition, Travel, Placement, and Registration Requirements
Post-Placement Supervision
Finalization and Post-Finalization Duties
Adoption Assistance
Disclosure to the Adoptive Family
Hague Custody Declarations
Last Updated

Jun. 8, 2021

Rule 413-120-0635’s source at or​.us