OAR 413-120-0925
Adoption of a Child Emigrating from the United States (Outgoing Convention Adoption)


The Department may pursue an outgoing Convention adoption provided that:


It is in the best interest of the child;


The child has not been abducted, sold, or trafficked in connection with the adoption; and


The prospective adoptive parent meets all of the following requirements:


Is one of the following:
A relative as described in OAR 413-120-0000 (Definitions)(64)(a)(A), (B) or (C);
A relative as described in OAR 413-120-0000 (Definitions)(64)(b)(A) or (G); or
An individual with a relationship to the child or young adult’s half-sibling through the half-sibling’s legal or biological father or mother as described in subparagraph (i) or (ii) of this paragraph for the purpose of placing the half-siblings together.


Has been assessed, approved, and trained; and


Has been determined able and willing to permanently provide for the safety, well-being, and special needs of the child.


An outgoing Convention adoption may involve a child who meets the requirements of one of the following subsections:


The child is, or is eligible to become, a:


United States citizen;


Dual United States and foreign citizen.


The child is undocumented, but the foreign authorized entity of the child’s birth country has determined that the Convention applies to the adoption.


Adoption planning for a child that may be the subject of an outgoing Convention adoption must comply with other Department rules, including Child Welfare polices: I-AB.4 “CPS Assessment”, OAR 413-015-0400 (Purpose and Overview of the CPS Assessment Rules) to 413-015-0485 (Confidentiality); I-F.2 “Determining the Appropriateness of Adoption as a Permanency Plan for a Child”, OAR 413-110-0300 (Purpose) to 413-110-0360 (Review Process); I-E.1.1 “Search for and Engagement of Relatives”, OAR 413-070-0060 (Purpose) to 413-070-0087 (Opportunity for Ongoing Connection and Support); I-F.6 “Sibling Adoption Placement Planning”, OAR 413-110-0100 (Purpose) to 413-110-0150 (Sibling Placement and Permanency Planning); I-G.1.2 Identification and Consideration of Potential Adoptive Resources", OAR 413-120-0700 (Purpose) to 413-120-0760 (Identification of a Child’s Potential Adoptive Resources); I-G.1.5 “Adoption Placement Selection”, OAR 413-120-0000 (Definitions) to 413-120-0060 (Review of the Adoption Placement Selection); and I-G.1.10 “Supervision and Support of an Adoptive Placement”, OAR 413-120-0800 (Purpose) to 413-120-0880 (No Delay in Placement).


Before a child may be placed in a prospective adoptive home in another Convention country the Department must meet the requirements of each of the following subsections:


Make a written determination that the child is eligible for adoption, that an outgoing Convention adoption is in the child’s best interests, and that placement with the prospective adoptive parents is in the best interests of the child.


Complete or obtain a written child background study that includes information about the child’s identity; upbringing; adoptability; ethnic, religious, and cultural background; social environment; family history; personal medical history; family medical history; and special needs.


Determine that the prospective adoptive parents meet the requirements of paragraph (1)(c)(A) of this rule and document that determination.


Work with the foreign authorized entity in the receiving Convention country to determine whether the prospective adoptive parents are suitable, qualified, and eligible to adopt the child. To do so the Department must meet the requirements in each of following paragraphs:


Provide a copy of the child’s background study to the foreign authorized entity in the receiving Convention country.


Obtain from the foreign authorized entity a comprehensive home study on the prospective adoptive parents that is prepared in accordance with the laws of the receiving country; meets the standards established by the Department using the Department’s Hague Home Study template; addresses the capacity of the prospective adoptive parents to meet the child’s safety, permanency and well-being needs; and includes all of the following:
Information on the prospective adoptive parents, including: identity, eligibility and suitability to adopt, background, family and medical history, social environment, reasons for adoption, ability to undertake an inter-country adoption, and the characteristics of a child for whom they would be qualified to care;
Confirmation that a foreign authorized entity has determined that the prospective adoptive parents are eligible and suitable to adopt and has ensured that the prospective adoptive parents have been counseled as necessary;
The results of a criminal background check; and
Information from competent references for the prospective adoptive parents.


Obtain written confirmation from the foreign authorized entity that the prospective adoptive parents have completed a minimum of 10 hours of Department-approved training that includes training on all of the following:
The effects of physical, emotional, and sexual abuse and neglect on a child;
The effects of drugs and alcohol on a child;
The effects of relocating a child and transition issues;
The significance of the birth family, include grief and loss issues;
Openness in adoption;
Attachment process and attachment difficulties;
Positive behavior management; and
The specific needs of the child to be adopted by the prospective adoptive parents.


Provide notice to the foreign authorized entity studying the prospective adoptive family and providing required training to the prospective adoptive parents that the Department does not condone the use of corporal punishment.


Obtain from the foreign authorized entity a written, signed Supervision Agreement using the approved Department form that describes the responsibilities of the Department and foreign authorized entity with regard to the child’s placement with the prospective adoptive parents and includes each of the following:
Requirements for face-to-face visits with the child and the prospective adoptive parents at least every 30 days. These meetings must occur in the prospective adoptive home at least once every 60 days.
Requirements for face-to-face visits in the prospective adoptive home with other individuals living in the home who can provide information about the child’s safety and well-being, as well as any concerns with the placement.
Requirements for contact at least once every 30 days with professional persons who have established a relationship to the child who can provide collateral observations regarding the child’s functioning and the adoptive placement.
Minimum standards for written reports to be provided every 90 days on contacts with the child, prospective adoptive family, other family members, and collateral contacts.
Confirmation that the child will be authorized to enter and reside in the receiving country permanently or on the same basis as the prospective adoptive parents.
Confirmation that the foreign authorized entity consents to the adoption of the child by the prospective adoptive family.
Confirmation that the foreign authorized entity agrees that the child’s adoption by the prospective adoptive family may proceed.


After the child is fully free for adoption, establish proof of citizenship for the child and apply for applicable passports.


Submit to the foreign authorized entity written confirmation of the reasons the Department determined that the proposed adoptive placement is in the best interests of the child.


Establish a direct means for the child’s collateral contacts in the receiving Convention country to communicate any health or safety concerns about the child to the Department.


Counsel and inform the child, as appropriate in light of the child’s age and maturity, of the effects of the adoption, consider the child’s views regarding the adoption, and document the discussion and how the child’s views were considered.


Determine whether the receiving Convention country requires a Hague custody declaration prior to placement of the child in the home of the prospective adoptive parents, and, if required, apply for and obtain a Hague custody declaration from the U.S. State Department, as provided in OAR 413-120-0970 (Hague Custody Declarations).


Assure that the child’s move to the receiving Convention country will be made under secure and appropriate circumstances and in the company of the child’s prospective adoptive parents, caseworker, or with another adult.


Following completion of all of requirements in section (4) of this rule and prior to the child traveling to the receiving Convention country for placement with the prospective adoptive parents, the Department must obtain an order from the court that makes findings:


In support of an application for a Hague adoption certificate;


That the prospective adoptive placement is in the best interests of the child;


Authorizing the child to travel to the foreign country for placement with the prospective adoptive parents; and


Authorizing release of the court order for purposes of affecting the child’s placement.

Source: Rule 413-120-0925 — Adoption of a Child Emigrating from the United States (Outgoing Convention Adoption), https://secure.­sos.­state.­or.­us/oard/view.­action?ruleNumber=413-120-0925.

Adoption Placement Selection Options
Adoption Placement Selection by Caseworker
Composition of an Adoption Committee
Invitation to and Notification of Adoption Committee
The Adoption Committee
Adoption Placement Selection, Notification, and Documentation
Review of the Adoption Placement Selection
Conditions for Not Filing a Petition for Adoption
Right to Use Expedited Process
Requirements Prior to Proceeding to Legalization of the Adoption
Attorney Fees
Court Filing Requirements
Adoption Application Requirements
Conflict of Interest for Adoptive Applicants
Conditions that Require Additional Approval or Termination of the Department’s Adoption Application Process
Status Notification of Adoption Applications
Prioritization of an Adoption Home Study Application
Standards for an Adoptive Home and Release of an Adoption Home Study
Circumstances in which a Criminal Records Check Must Occur and Types of Records Checks Required
Disqualifying and Potentially Disqualifying Criminal Convictions
Potentially Disqualifying Arrests
Weighing Test
Contesting a Fitness Determination
Record Keeping, Confidentiality
Roles and Responsibilities
Criteria for Using the Cooperative Adoption Mediation Process
Post Adoption Communication Agreements (PACAs)
Cooperative Adoption Planning Through Legal Assistance Mediation Services
Department Efforts to Place with Relatives, Current Caretakers and to Place Siblings Together
Order of Preference for Identification of Potential Adoptive Resources
Current Caretaker or Relative Caregiver Request for an Adoption Home Study
Recruitment Efforts
Identification of a Child’s Potential Adoptive Resources
Department Actions Prior to Placement
Early Adoption Transition
Placement and Post-placement Supervision
No Delay in Placement
Duty to Provide Information to Convention Case Registry
Adoption of a Child Immigrating to the United States (Incoming Convention Adoption)
Adoption of a Child Emigrating from the United States (Outgoing Convention Adoption)
Transition, Travel, Placement, and Registration Requirements
Post-Placement Supervision
Finalization and Post-Finalization Duties
Adoption Assistance
Disclosure to the Adoptive Family
Hague Custody Declarations
Last Updated

Jun. 8, 2021

Rule 413-120-0925’s source at or​.us