OAR 414-350-0080

(1) The provider shall keep the following records:
(a) Complete and current information on each child, as required in OAR 414-350-0060 (Enrollment)(3) and (4);
(b) Daily attendance record for each child, including dates each child attended and arrival and departure times each day;
(c) Daily attendance record for the provider and each caregiver, including dates worked and arrival and departure times each day;
(d) Medication administered, as specified in OAR 414-350-0180 (Illness or Injury)(9);
(e) Emergency plan practice sessions and evacuations, as specified in OAR 414-350-0170 (Home Safety)(15);
(f) An injury to or death of a child, as specified in OAR 414-350-0180 (Illness or Injury)(8);
(g) Child abuse reports made to the Department of Human Services Child Welfare (DHS) or a law enforcement agency;
(h) The general routine, as specified in OAR 414-350-0220 (General Requirements)(3);
(i) Verification of the provider’s and each caregiver’s:
(A) Qualifications for the position, as specified in OAR 414-350-0100 (The Provider) and 414-350-0110 (Assistants);
(C) Training as required in OAR 414-350-0115 (Training Requirements);
(D) Current enrollment in the Central Background Registry;
(E) Current food handler’s certification pursuant to ORS 624.570 (Food handler training requirement), when required; and
(F) Caregiver participation in an orientation to the provider’s policies and practices and these administrative rules.
(j) Lead testing results for drinking water for the past six (6) years.
(2) A provider shall allow custodial parent(s), upon request, to review all records and reports, except for child abuse reports, maintained on their own children.
(3) Records, except those specified in OAR 414-350-0080 (Records)(1)(j), shall be kept for at least two years, and caregivers’ and children’s records for two years after termination of employment or care. These records shall be available at all times to OCC.
Last Updated

Jun. 8, 2021

Rule 414-350-0080’s source at or​.us