OAR 438-009-0001
Special Definitions

As used in this division:


“Claim Disposition Agreement” means a written agreement pursuant to ORS 656.236 (Compromise and release of claim matters except for medical benefits)(1), executed by all parties in which a claimant agrees to release rights, or agrees to release an insurer or self-insured employer from obligations, under 656.001 (Short title) to 656.794 (Advisory committee on medical care) except for medical services, in an accepted claim.


“Disputed Claim Settlement” means a written agreement pursuant to ORS 656.289 (Orders of Administrative Law Judge)(4), executed by all parties in which the parties agree to make a reasonable disposition of all or part of a claim in which there is a bona fide dispute over the compensability of the claim.


“Settlement Stipulation” means a written agreement or an oral agreement if made on the oral record of a hearing and approved in writing by an Administrative Law Judge, in which any matter contested between the parties, other than matters resolvable in a claim disposition agreement or disputed claim settlement, are resolved by agreement of the parties.

Source: Rule 438-009-0001 — Special Definitions, https://secure.­sos.­state.­or.­us/oard/view.­action?ruleNumber=438-009-0001.

Last Updated

Jun. 8, 2021

Rule 438-009-0001’s source at