OAR 438-009-0025
Claim Disposition Agreements; Processing


The parties shall file the claim disposition agreement with the Board for approval by the Administrative Law Judge who mediated the agreement or the Board Members. Any claim disposition agreement may be filed in accordance with OAR 438-005-0046 (Filing and Service of Documents; Correspondence)(1)(a) and (1)(d). The claim disposition agreement shall be retained in the Board’s file and a copy will be provided for the Director’s claim file.


Any claim disposition agreement filed under section (1) of this rule, shall be deemed to have been submitted as of the date the agreement is received by the Administrative Law Judge who mediated the agreement or the Board. All times to be calculated shall be calculated from the date of receipt of the agreement by the Administrative Law Judge who mediated the agreement or the Board.


A request by an unrepresented claimant to meet with the Board must be made to the Board not more than 30 days after the Board’s receipt of a claim disposition agreement, but need not be in any particular form; verbal requests will be accepted.

Source: Rule 438-009-0025 — Claim Disposition Agreements; Processing, .

Last Updated

Jun. 8, 2021

Rule 438-009-0025’s source at