OAR 438-009-0015
Notice of Settlement; Submission of Documents


The party that requested the hearing shall promptly notify the Presiding Administrative Law Judge, or his or her delegate, when a case is settled in whole or in part.


The party that requested Board review shall promptly notify the Board’s Closing and Appeals Division in writing when a case is settled in whole or in part.


The Presiding Administrative Law Judge, or his or her delegate, may require written notice of settlement as a condition of cancellation of a scheduled hearing.


Notwithstanding OAR 438-005-0046 (Filing and Service of Documents; Correspondence)(1)(d), in all cases settled by disputed claim settlement or written stipulation of the parties, the settlement document shall be mailed or delivered to the Administrative Law Judge or the Board for approval. If the disputed claim settlement or written stipulation pertains to the resolution of disputes pending before both the Hearings Division and the Board, the settlement document shall recite the issues resolved by the Opinion and Order that is pending before the Board. If the disputed claim settlement or written stipulation is mailed or delivered to the Hearings Division for approval and the agreement either formally or effectively modifies a dispute which is pending before the Board, the disputed claim settlement or stipulation shall be submitted in a format to provide for both Hearings Division and Board approval.


Unless a party has filed prior written notice with the Hearings Division or the Board that the party wants an exhibit returned to them, all exhibits (with the exception of exhibit lists) may be discarded from the record following:


Administrative Law Judge or Board approval of a settlement stipulation or disputed claim settlement;


An Administrative Law Judge order dismissing a party’s hearing request in response to that party’s withdrawal of the request; or


A Board order dismissing a party’s request for Board review in response to that party’s withdrawal of the request for Board review.

Source: Rule 438-009-0015 — Notice of Settlement; Submission of Documents, https://secure.­sos.­state.­or.­us/oard/view.­action?ruleNumber=438-009-0015.

Last Updated

Jun. 8, 2021

Rule 438-009-0015’s source at