OAR 459-050-0037
Trading Restrictions

The purpose of this rule is to establish criteria under which a participant may make trades in the Deferred Compensation Program. The Program is designed for long-term investment and periodic adjustment of asset allocation. Restrictions upon trades are necessary to protect participants and the Program from adverse financial impact attributable to frequent trading. Frequent trading by some participants can lower returns and increase transaction costs for all participants. Frequent trading can trigger the imposition of redemption fees and restrictions by mutual funds within the Program and may cause the Program to be eliminated as an allowable investor in an investment fund.


Definitions. For the purposes of this rule:


“Investment Option” means an investment alternative made available under ORS 243.421 (Investment program for fund).


“Trade” means a purchase or redemption in an investment option for the purpose of moving monies between investment options.




The following restrictions apply to all participants:


A participant may not make a trade that exceeds $100,000.


A purchase that is attributable to a trade may not be redeemed from the International Stock Option for a period of 30 days following the date of the trade.


No trade may move monies directly from the Stable Value Option to the Short-Term Fixed Income Option or the Self-Directed Brokerage Option.


Trades to the Self-Directed Brokerage Option are subject to subsection (a) of this section and the limitations established in OAR 459-050-0120 (Self-Directed Brokerage Option).


The Deferred Compensation Manager, if necessary to comply with trading restrictions imposed by a participating mutual fund or the Securities and Exchange Commission, may establish additional temporary trading restrictions.


The Deferred Compensation Manager, in the event of extraordinary market conditions, may temporarily suspend any or all trading restrictions established by this rule.


Any action taken by the Deferred Compensation Manager under sections (3) or (4) of this rule must be presented to the Board at its next scheduled meeting. The Board may take action as authorized by ORS 243.401 (Definitions for ORS 243.401 to 243.507) to 243.507 (Payment of deferred compensation to alternate payee under judgment or order). If the Board does not act, the action(s) taken by the Deferred Compensation Manager shall expire on the first business day following the date of the meeting.


The provisions of this rule are not applicable to trades attributable to the operation of an automatic account rebalancing function offered by the Program.


The trading restrictions provided in this rule are not exclusive. The Board may establish additional restrictions or sanctions as authorized by ORS 243.401 (Definitions for ORS 243.401 to 243.507) to 243.507 (Payment of deferred compensation to alternate payee under judgment or order).

Source: Rule 459-050-0037 — Trading Restrictions, https://secure.­sos.­state.­or.­us/oard/view.­action?ruleNumber=459-050-0037.

Last Updated

Jun. 8, 2021

Rule 459-050-0037’s source at