OAR 459-050-0220
Distribution of an Alternate Payee Account


Commencement date of distribution. Subject to other requirements set forth in this division of administrative rules, a distribution to an alternate payee may commence earlier than the date an employee would be eligible to receive payments under the plan if and to the extent expressly provided for in the terms of any judgment of annulment or dissolution of marriage or of separation, or the terms of any court order or court-approved property settlement agreement incident to any judgment of annulment or dissolution of marriage or of separation.


Distribution options. Subject to the rules and regulations pertaining to required minimum distributions, the alternate payee may elect to receive payment in any manner available to the participant under the Deferred Compensation Plan and OAR 459-050-0080 (Distribution of Funds After a Severance of Employment), without regard to the form of payment elected by the participant.


Application. The alternate payee must file an application for distribution, or request to change a distribution option with the Deferred Compensation Program at least 30 days before the requested date of the change or the distribution commencement date.


Life expectancy factor. The life expectancy of the alternate payee shall be used anytime the form of payment elected by the alternate payee is based on a life expectancy factor.


Tax liability. If the alternate payee is a spouse or former spouse, the alternate payee shall be solely responsible for the total amount of state and federal taxes at the time of distribution of an alternate payee’s account effective January 1, 2002. If an alternate payee is someone other than the spouse or former spouse of the participant, the participant shall be solely responsible for the total amount of state and federal taxes at time of distribution of their alternate payee’s account.

Source: Rule 459-050-0220 — Distribution of an Alternate Payee Account, https://secure.­sos.­state.­or.­us/oard/view.­action?ruleNumber=459-050-0220.

Last Updated

Jun. 8, 2021

Rule 459-050-0220’s source at