OAR 459-050-0230
Release of Information


Written release. Unless otherwise required by the Oregon Public Records Law in ORS Chapter 192 (Records), the Deferred Compensation Program must receive a signed participant’s release, as defined in OAR 459-050-0001 (Definitions), from the participant or the alternate payee before the Deferred Compensation Program may provide information pertaining to the participant’s or alternate payee’s account(s), beneficiary designations, distributions, or award information contained in any draft or final court order on record to any person other than the parties to the court order. A written authorization to release information is valid indefinitely, unless a specific end date is provided in the written statement.


Subpoena. Unless otherwise required by the Oregon Public Records Law in ORS Chapter 192 (Records), a subpoena for information available from the Deferred Compensation Program must be made out to the State of Oregon, Deferred Compensation Program. The Deferred Compensation Program reserves the right to object to any subpoena on the grounds that the subpoena fails to provide a reasonable time for preparation and travel, is otherwise unreasonable or oppressive, or that service was improper, in addition to any other basis legally available. To facilitate prompt processing, copies of subpoenas should be served at the Deferred Compensation Program office. Faxed subpoenas are not acceptable.

Source: Rule 459-050-0230 — Release of Information, .

Last Updated

Jun. 8, 2021

Rule 459-050-0230’s source at