OAR 584-070-0012
Preliminary School Counselor License


Upon filing a correct and complete application in form and manner prescribed by the Commission, a qualified applicant may be granted a Preliminary School Counselor License for three years plus time to the applicant’s birthday.


The Preliminary School Counselor License is valid for school counselor assignments in prekindergarten to grade 12 assignments.


The license is also valid for substitute counseling; and


The license is also valid for substitute teaching in any subject-matter area.


Applying for the License: To be eligible for a Preliminary School Counselor License, an applicant must satisfy all of the following general preparation requirements:


A master’s or higher degree in counseling, education, or related behavior sciences from a regionally accredited institution in the United States, or the foreign equivalent of such degree approved by the Commission and a bachelor’s degree. A master’s degree or a doctoral degree from a regionally accredited institution in the United States validates a non-regionally accredited bachelor’s degree;


Admission to and completion of an Oregon or another U.S. jurisdiction, as part of the master’s degree or separately, Commission-approved initial program in school counseling;


Obtain a passing score on a Commission-adopted test of knowledge of U.S. and Oregon civil rights laws and professional ethics; and


Complete a background clearance that includes:


Furnishing fingerprints (if necessary);


Providing satisfactory responses to character questions in the form and manner prescribed by the Commission; and


If the Preliminary School Counselor license was issued on the basis of an out-of-state non-provisional license rather than completion of an Oregon-approved program; the educator must complete all requirements in subsection (3) of this rule.


Renewal: To be eligible to apply for renewal of the Preliminary School Counselor License, the applicant must:


Complete 75 continuing professional development units as provided in OAR 584-255-0010 (Professional Development Requirements), Professional Development Requirements;
(b) Report on completion of any continuing education regarding suicide risk assessment, treatment and management; and


Submit a complete and correct renewal application in the form and manner required by the Commission and the payment of all required fees as provided in OAR 584-200-0050 (Fees).
(5) Preliminary to Professional School Counselor: An applicant moving from a Preliminary School Counselor to a Professional School Counselor License must report on completion of any continuing education regarding suicide risk assessment, treatment and management as provided in subsection (4)(b).

Source: Rule 584-070-0012 — Preliminary School Counselor License, https://secure.­sos.­state.­or.­us/oard/view.­action?ruleNumber=584-070-0012.

Last Updated

Jun. 8, 2021

Rule 584-070-0012’s source at