OAR 584-080-0001


These rules establish an administrator licensure program that is designed to strengthen Oregon educational leadership. Specifically, Oregon licensed administrators will be instructional leaders with the knowledge, skills and abilities to close the achievement gap, implement visionary literacy programs and demonstrate exemplary instructional leadership. Oregon administrators will be leaders in demonstrating culturally competent strategies to ensure an equitable education for every Oregon student. Oregon-approved programs and licensure have the following characteristics:


The administrator licensure standards are designed to recognize the developmental levels of students;


The Initial Administrator License requires at least three years of properly assigned licensed experience in public schools, regionally accredited private schools, registered private schools or other federal or state-regulated schools. Additionally, programs for the Initial Administrator License will emphasize a school-level context.


The Continuing Administrator License requires demonstrated competency in a broad spectrum of Oregon-specific administrator skills and experience at both the building and district levels. Additionally, programs for the Continuing Administrator License will emphasize a district level context.


Continuing professional development is integral to continuous administrator licensure.
Last Updated

Jun. 8, 2021

Rule 584-080-0001’s source at