OAR 584-080-0161
Exceptional Administrator License


Upon filing a correct and complete application in form and manner prescribed by the commission, an unconventionally qualified applicant may be granted an Exceptional Administrator License at the sole discretion of the commission as permitted under ORS 342.200 (Administrative licenses based on professional skills and experience).


The Exceptional Administrator License is issued for three years and renewable under conditions that the Executive Director may specify, is valid only for a designated position with a job description approved by the Executive Director.


To be eligible for an Exceptional Administrator License the applicant must:


Possess the personal qualifications for licensure including attainment of at least eighteen years of age and possessing good moral character and mental and physical health necessary for employment as an educator;


Hold a master’s or higher degree in the arts and sciences or an advanced degree in the professions from a regionally accredited institution or approved foreign equivalent;


Demonstrate extraordinary professional experience that compensates for lack of experience in prekindergarten-12 schools;


Submit a letter from the district consistent with subsection (5) below;


Submit a recent résumé or curriculum vitae;


Obtain a passing score on a commission-adopted test of knowledge of U.S. and Oregon civil rights and professional ethics; and


Furnish fingerprints in the manner prescribed by the commission and provide satisfactory responses to the character questions contained in the commission’s licensure application. (See, OAR 584-036-0062 for Criminal Records Check Requirement.)


The Exceptional Administrator License is valid for the position for which the district requested licensure so long as the position does not require supervising or evaluating teachers or working directly with students in Oregon public schools.


The Exceptional Administrator License will be restricted to use in a district that has applied for it jointly with the administrator. Upon application, the district’s superintendent or board chair must:


Submit a letter that describes the district’s particular need in relation to the co-applicant administrator’s qualifications as summarized on the submitted résumé;


Attest that no suitable candidate with any unrestricted administrator license is comparably qualified and available for the role to be filled; and


Attests that the administrator will not be supervising or evaluating teachers or working directly with children.


The Exceptional Administrator License may be renewed upon:


Evidence of district support for the renewal; and


A statement by the district that the administrator’s position has not changed since the license was requested or last renewed; and


Continuing professional development in accordance with OAR 584-090.

Source: Rule 584-080-0161 — Exceptional Administrator License, https://secure.­sos.­state.­or.­us/oard/view.­action?ruleNumber=584-080-0161.

Last Updated

Jun. 8, 2021

Rule 584-080-0161’s source at