OAR 584-080-0031
Distinguished Administrator License


Upon filing a correct and complete application in form and manner prescribed by the commission, a qualified applicant may be granted a Distinguished Administrator License.


The Distinguished Administrator License is issued for five years and is renewable repeatedly under conditions specified below.


The Distinguished Administrator License is voluntary and is valid for school administration at all age or grade levels in any position and for substitute teaching at any level in any specialty.


To be eligible for a Distinguished Administrator License, an applicant must have:


Completed, beyond the advanced administrator program specified in OAR 584-080-0022 (Continuing Administrator License (CAL)) an advanced education leadership or school administration program consisting of at least 12 semester hours or 18 quarter hours of graduate credit or the equivalent; or in the alternative, hold a regionally accredited doctor’s degree in school administration or educational leadership.


Completion of the advanced program must be verified by the institution offering the program or through official transcripts.


Doctorates in programs other than school administration or educational leadership do not qualify for this license.


Five years of full time experience on a Standard, Initial, Continuing, Transitional or out-of-state administrative license valid for the assignment functioning as a superintendent in a public school district, education service district, or regionally accredited private school system; and


Have obtained a passing score on a commission-adopted test of knowledge of U.S. and Oregon civil rights and professional ethics.


The Distinguished Administrator License may be renewed for five years upon completion of continuing professional development pursuant to OAR 584-090.

Source: Rule 584-080-0031 — Distinguished Administrator License, .

Last Updated

Jun. 8, 2021

Rule 584-080-0031’s source at