OAR 589-008-0200
Use of Community College Instructors in High Schools


A school district may contract with a community college accredited by the Northwest Association of Schools and Colleges or a community college contracting for delivery of instructional and curriculum services with an accredited community college for instruction at a high school site by a faculty member who does not hold a current Teacher Standards and Practices Commission license if the following conditions are met:


The faculty member is employed by a community college accredited by the Northwest Association of Schools and Colleges or the faculty member is employed by a community college under contract with an accredited community college for delivery of instructional and curriculum services.


The faculty member’s teaching qualifications are verified by formal preparation and/or work experience, including:


Evidence of academic and/or professional technical training sufficient to demonstrate competency in the subject-matter area;


Successful postsecondary teaching experience in the discipline and/or program area; or


Resume of work experience sufficient to demonstrate competency in the discipline and/or program.


The faculty member meets current board-adopted personnel policies of both the school district and community college.


The faculty member presents evidence of good moral character, mental and physical health, and such other evidence as the school district board may deem necessary to establish the applicant’s fitness to serve as a teacher;


The person has not been convicted of any crime listed in ORS 342.143 (Issuance of licenses and registrations);


The school district does not have appropriately licensed personnel available for the specific teaching assignment without misassignment and was not able to identify and attain such staff after conducting a reasonably diligent search; and


The assignment includes no more than two high school units of credit or equivalent per year.


A school district shall not contract for unlicensed staff under ORS 342.173 (Effect of employing certain persons)(1) during school closures, strikes and summer sessions.


Governing boards of the school district and community college shall annually review each contract to ensure that the requisites of this rule have been met:


Contracts approved by both boards shall be forwarded to the Commission for annual review and approval. Such contracts may be submitted to the Commission for approval after a teacher has been assigned to teach. However, the Commission reserves the right to find any contract in violation of current statutes or administrative rules notwithstanding the teacher’s starting date;


The Commission shall report to the Teacher Standards and Practices Commission violations of these rules that could result in forfeiture of State School Funds as stated in ORS 342.173 (Effect of employing certain persons) and OARs 584-050-0060, 584-050-0065 and 584-050-0067.

Source: Rule 589-008-0200 — Use of Community College Instructors in High Schools, .

Last Updated

Jun. 8, 2021

Rule 589-008-0200’s source at