OAR 603-051-0370
Types and Styles of Honey
“Extracted honey” is honey that has been separated from the comb by centrifugal force, gravity, straining, or other means, and is identified in the following types:(a)
“Liquid honey” is honey free from visible crystals;(b)
“Crystallized honey” is honey that is solidly granulated or crystallized, irrespective of whether candied, fondant, creamed or spread types of crystallized honey;(c)
“Partially crystallized honey” is honey that is a mixture of liquid honey and crystallized honey.(2)
Extracted honey styles are:(a)
“Filtered” honey is honey of any type defined in these standards having been filtered to the extent that most of the fine particles, pollen grains, air bubbles, or other materials normally found in suspension, have been removed;(A)
Honey will not be filtered to the extent that the filtration removes unnatural chemicals or elemental contaminants.(b)
“Strained” honey is honey of any type defined in these standards having been strained to the extent that most of the particles, including comb, propolis, or other defects normally found in honey, have been removed. Pollen grains, small air bubbles, and very fine particles would not normally be removed.(3)
“Comb honey” is the type of honey stored by bees in the cells of freshly built broodless combs and is sold in sealed whole combs or sections of such combs.(4)
“Chunk honey” is the type of honey whereby comb honey is surrounded by extracted honey.
Rule 603-051-0370 — Types and Styles of Honey, https://secure.sos.state.or.us/oard/view.action?ruleNumber=603-051-0370