OAR 603-058-0120
Label Format for Commercial Feeds


Commercial feed, other than custom mixed feed, shall bear the information prescribed in this regulation on the label of the product and in the following format:


Product name and brand name, if any, as stipulated in OAR 603-058-0130 (Label Information)(1);


If a drug is used, label as stipulated in OAR 603-058-0130 (Label Information)(2);


Purpose statement as stipulated in OAR 603-058-0130 (Label Information)(3);


Guaranteed analysis as stipulated in OAR 603-058-0130 (Label Information)(4);


Feed ingredients as stipulated in OAR 603-058-0130 (Label Information)(5);


Directions for use and precautionary statements as stipulated in OAR 603-058-0130 (Label Information)(6);


Name and principal mailing address and phone number of manufacturer or persons responsible for distributing the feed as stipulated in OAR 603-058-0130 (Label Information)(7);


Quantity statement as stipulated in OAR 603-058-0130 (Label Information)(8);


Lot Number as stipulated in OAR 603-058-0130 (Label Information)(9).


Principal Display Panel:


The information as required in OAR 603-058-0120 (Label Format for Commercial Feeds)(1)(a), (b), (c) and (h) must appear in its entirety on the principal display panel;


The information as required in OAR 603-058-0120 (Label Format for Commercial Feeds)(1)(d), (e), (f), (g) and (i) shall be displayed in a prominent place on the feed tag or label, but not necessarily on the principal display panel;


None of the information required by OAR 603-058-0120 (Label Format for Commercial Feeds) shall be subordinated or obscured by other statements of designs.

Source: Rule 603-058-0120 — Label Format for Commercial Feeds, https://secure.­sos.­state.­or.­us/oard/view.­action?ruleNumber=603-058-0120.

Last Updated

Jun. 8, 2021

Rule 603-058-0120’s source at or​.us