OAR 660-021-0010
“Urban Reserve” means lands outside of an urban growth boundary that will provide for:(a)
Future expansion over a long-term period; and(b)
The cost-effective provision of public facilities and services within the area when the lands are included within the urban growth boundary.(2)
“Resource Land” means land subject to the statewide planning goals listed in OAR 660-004-0010 (Application of the Goal 2 Exception Process to Certain Goals)(1)(a) through (g), except subsections (c) and (d).(3)
“Nonresource Land” means land not subject to one or more of the statewide planning goals listed in OAR 660-004-0010 (Application of the Goal 2 Exception Process to Certain Goals)(1)(a) through (g) except subsections (c) and (d). Nothing in this definition is meant to imply that other goals do not apply to nonresource land.(4)
“Exception Areas” means rural lands for which an exception to statewide planning goals 3 or 4, or both, as defined in ORS 197.732 (Goal exceptions) and OAR 660-004-0005 (Definitions)(1), has been acknowledged.(5)
“Developable Land” means land that is not severely constrained by natural hazards or designated or zoned to protect natural resources and that is either entirely vacant or has a portion of its area unoccupied by structures or roads.(6)
“Adjacent Land” means abutting land.(7)
“Nearby Land” means land that lies wholly or partially within a quarter mile of an urban growth boundary.
Rule 660-021-0010 — Definitions, https://secure.sos.state.or.us/oard/view.action?ruleNumber=660-021-0010