Purpose 660‑038‑0010
Definitions 660‑038‑0020
Applicability 660‑038‑0030
Residential Land Need 660‑038‑0040
Determine the Mix of Dwelling Units Needed 660‑038‑0050
Determine Amount of Land Needed for Each Housing Type 660‑038‑0060
Buildable Lands Inventory (BLI) for Residential Land within the UGB 660‑038‑0070
Adjust Residential Lands Inventory to Account for Constrained Lands 660‑038‑0080
Compare Residential Land Need to Land Supply 660‑038‑0090
Employment Land Need 660‑038‑0100
Forecast Employment Growth Based on Population Growth 660‑038‑0110
Forecast Employment Growth Based on Oregon Employment Department Forecast 660‑038‑0120
Inventory of Buildable Employment Land within the UGB 660‑038‑0130
Adjust Employment Buildable Land Inventory to Account for Constrained Lands 660‑038‑0140
Translate Job Forecast to Employment Land Need 660‑038‑0150
Determine if UGB Expansion is Necessary to Accommodate Employment Needs 660‑038‑0160
Establishment of Study Area to Evaluate Land for Inclusion in the UGB 660‑038‑0170
Evaluation of Land in the Study Area for Inclusion in the UGB 660‑038‑0180
Planning Requirements for Land added to a UGB 660‑038‑0190
Additional Planning for Residential Lands Added to the UGB 660‑038‑0200
Serviceability 660‑038‑0210
Plan Changes Following a Simplified Urban Growth Boundary Evaluation
Purpose 660‑038‑0010
Definitions 660‑038‑0020
Applicability 660‑038‑0030
Residential Land Need 660‑038‑0040
Determine the Mix of Dwelling Units Needed 660‑038‑0050
Determine Amount of Land Needed for Each Housing Type 660‑038‑0060
Buildable Lands Inventory (BLI) for Residential Land within the UGB 660‑038‑0070
Adjust Residential Lands Inventory to Account for Constrained Lands 660‑038‑0080
Compare Residential Land Need to Land Supply 660‑038‑0090
Employment Land Need 660‑038‑0100
Forecast Employment Growth Based on Population Growth 660‑038‑0110
Forecast Employment Growth Based on Oregon Employment Department Forecast 660‑038‑0120
Inventory of Buildable Employment Land within the UGB 660‑038‑0130
Adjust Employment Buildable Land Inventory to Account for Constrained Lands 660‑038‑0140
Translate Job Forecast to Employment Land Need 660‑038‑0150
Determine if UGB Expansion is Necessary to Accommodate Employment Needs 660‑038‑0160
Establishment of Study Area to Evaluate Land for Inclusion in the UGB 660‑038‑0170
Evaluation of Land in the Study Area for Inclusion in the UGB 660‑038‑0180
Planning Requirements for Land added to a UGB 660‑038‑0190
Additional Planning for Residential Lands Added to the UGB 660‑038‑0200
Serviceability 660‑038‑0210
Plan Changes Following a Simplified Urban Growth Boundary Evaluation