OAR 734-032-0020

The following terminology shall be used when applying the criteria in this division:


Agriculture/Forestry — Crops, wineries, vineyards, ranches, fisheries, old-growth and reforested lands.


Color — Overall color(s) of the basic components of the landscape (e.g., soil, rock, vegetation, etc.) as they appear during the seasons or periods of high use. Key factors are variety, contrast and harmony.


Driveability — Driving safety, ease and pleasure as related to road standards (e.g., lane and shoulder width, traffic character, etc.)


Landform — Topography becomes more interesting as it gets steeper or more massive, or more severely sculptured. Outstanding landforms may be monumental or exceedingly artistic and subtle.


Modifications — Modifications in the landform, water, vegetation or addition of structures that detract from or complement the scenic quality.


Natural — This includes natural features such as geologic formations, wildlife sites, waterfalls, lake basins, old-growth stands, mountain meadows, etc.


Paved — Hard surfaces such as concrete or bituminous.


Uniqueness/Scarcity — The relative scarcity or abundance of a particular unique scenic resource or combination of features within the geographic region.


Vegetation — Forest, prairies, orchards, active farm cropland and tree farms. Consider variety of patterns, form and textures created by plant life. Consider smaller scale vegetational features which add striking and intriguing detail elements to the landscape.


Water — Ocean, rivers, lakes, waterfalls,rapids, marshes, canals and harbors. That ingredient which adds movement or serenity to a scene. The degree to which water dominates the scene.
Last Updated

Jun. 8, 2021

Rule 734-032-0020’s source at or​.us