OAR 734-032-0030
Categories of Routes

There are two categories of routes in the Scenic Byways system. Scenic Byways include the most scenic routes with road standards that would accommodate most travelers. These routes encompass scenic, historic, recreational and cultural values of not only the roadway right-of-way, but also the adjacent visual resources. Tour Routes include all the other purely scenic routes with limited driveability as well as routes with special features. Further definition of these routes are:


Scenic Byways encompass national or statewide known scenic values of the roadway and adjacent visual resources. In general, scenic routes are paved, passable by passenger car and meet certain road and safety standards. This classification contains examples of truly spectacular routes with national or statewide recognition and the best scenic drives in Oregon. The Scenic Byways shall include the many varieties of the Oregon landscape and shall be distributed throughout the state. The number of routes shall be limited so the state is not saturated with scenic drives. The pattern of routes shall not be confusing to the public. Crisscrossing or overlap of designated routes shall be avoided.


Tour Routes encompass regionally or locally known scenic, cultural or historic values which also have features or points of interest that tend to draw people out of their cars. These could include wine tours, covered bridge tours or resource management tours. Tour routes may also be more primitive routes requiring high-clearance vehicles, with scenery ranging from national to local. Tour Routes may be paved, but some are not, and a few require four-wheel drive vehicles, while others are driveable by normal passenger car. The routes shall be safe for the prescribed season and required type of vehicle.

Source: Rule 734-032-0030 — Categories of Routes, https://secure.­sos.­state.­or.­us/oard/view.­action?ruleNumber=734-032-0030.

Last Updated

Jun. 8, 2021

Rule 734-032-0030’s source at or​.us