OAR 734-032-0040
Oregon Scenic Byway Designation Process — Initial Screening of Scenic Byway Proposal


To be considered as a scenic byway the proponent must submit the following:


Written narrative statement of the route identifying items of significance or interest in relation to the established criteria;


Documentation of conceptual support by jurisdictional agencies in the corridor;


Map of route, showing beginning and ending points, length and width of corridor; and


Definition of the location of points of interest or significance.


The Oregon Scenic Byway Committee shall review the proposal against the criteria and determine whether it shall proceed through the designation process. The committee shall also review the proposed route against currently designated routes and other pending proposals to assure that the pattern of designated routes shall not be confusing and are not becoming saturated. If the committee recommends not to proceed it shall provide comments to the applicant on weaknesses of the proposal and possible improvements where applicable.

Source: Rule 734-032-0040 — Oregon Scenic Byway Designation Process — Initial Screening of Scenic Byway Proposal, https://secure.­sos.­state.­or.­us/oard/view.­action?ruleNumber=734-032-0040.

Last Updated

Jun. 8, 2021

Rule 734-032-0040’s source at or​.us