OAR 736-002-0010
State Park Cooperating Associations


Pursuant to ORS 390.121 (Powers of commission) to 390.150 (Gifts and grants for State Parks and Recreation Department), the director of the Oregon State Parks and Recreation Department is authorized to enter into agreements with cooperating associations, which are private, non-profit scientific, historic or educational associations organized solely for the purpose of providing interpretive services to recreational facilities in Oregon. Recreation facility includes but is not limited to state parks, state recreation areas, and all recreational, historical and scenic attractions owned or under the control of the State of Oregon and administered by the Parks and Recreation Department.


The following rules are established to carry out the purposes of this program. Agreement form 73410-1602 will be entered into by the cooperating association and the director of the state parks department:


The activities of cooperating associations shall enhance park or facility interpretive and educational functions. Association activities at a recreation facility may not conflict with park or facility resources or objectives and shall be subject to prior approval by the district park manager;


Cooperating associations may be formed to assist Oregon State Parks at a local, regional or statewide level provided that no more than one cooperating association shall be created to undertake activities in a single park or facility. Associations shall be separate entities, but are encouraged to work together as appropriate. Cooperating associations may sponsor interpretive or educational events or functions, as approved by the district park manager;


Each association shall determine the number of directors to comprise the governing board. A state park representative, designated by the director, shall be an ex-officio member of the board. If the board desires, Oregon State Parks in its discretion may provide assistance to the board on an incidental basis. It will be the responsibility of each cooperating association to secure appropriate charter(s) and non-profit, tax-exempt status under provisions of Section 501(c)3 of the federal Internal Revenue Service Tax Code. Cooperating association membership fees may be allowed at the direction of the cooperating association board of directors;


The cooperating association may:


Provide educational or interpretive material for sale at a recreation facility;


Acquire display materials and equipment for exhibits at a recreation facility;


Provide support for special recreation facility interpretive programs or environmental education programs;


Support recreation facility libraries; or


The Oregon State Parks and Recreation Department may:


Provide incidental personnel services to the organization’s interpretive program; and


Provide space at a state park facility for the interpretive materials provided by the organization.


Any money received from the sale of publications or other materials provided by an organization pursuant to an agreement entered into under this section shall be retained by the organization for use in the interpretive or educational services of the recreation facility for which the organization provides services. In the event that the cooperative association disbands or dissolves, remaining funds shall be donated to Oregon State Parks and earmarked for interpretive and educational purposes within the Oregon State Park system. An annual fiscal report of the cooperating association shall be presented to the state parks director;


An agreement between a cooperating association and the director may be terminated upon thirty (30) days written notification by either party to the other.
[Publications: Publications referenced are available from the agency.]

Source: Rule 736-002-0010 — State Park Cooperating Associations, https://secure.­sos.­state.­or.­us/oard/view.­action?ruleNumber=736-002-0010.

Last Updated

Jun. 8, 2021

Rule 736-002-0010’s source at or​.us