OAR 736-004-0020
ATV Grant Program: Apportionment of Monies

Monies in the All-Terrain Vehicle Account shall be used for the following purposes:


Planning, promoting and implementing a statewide all-terrain vehicle program including the acquisition, development and maintenance of all-terrain vehicle recreation areas;


Education and safety training for all-terrain vehicle operators;


Paying the costs of instigating, developing, or promoting new programs for all-terrain vehicle users and of advising people of possible usage areas available for all-terrain vehicles;


Paying the costs of coordinating between all-terrain vehicle user groups and the managers of public lands;


Paying the costs of providing consultation and guidance to all-terrain vehicle user programs;


Paying the costs of administration of the all-terrain vehicle programs including staff support provided under ORS 390.565 (All-Terrain Vehicle Advisory Committee) as requested by the ATV-AC;

Source: Rule 736-004-0020 — ATV Grant Program: Apportionment of Monies, https://secure.­sos.­state.­or.­us/oard/view.­action?ruleNumber=736-004-0020.

Last Updated

Jun. 8, 2021

Rule 736-004-0020’s source at or​.us