OAR 736-040-0040
Classification of Scenic Waterways and Segments Thereof


OAR 736-040-0040 (Classification of Scenic Waterways and Segments Thereof) through 736-040-0075 (Sandy River Scenic Waterway) supplement, but in no way alter, other provisions of these rules and regulations. Notification procedures set forth in OAR 736-040-0030 (Improvements and Changes in Use of Related Adjacent Lands), 736-040-0035 (Rules of Land Management) and 736-040-0080 (Notification Procedures), relating to Land Management, are applicable to these rules. In order to establish varying intensities of protection or development based on special attributes of each area within the scenic waterways, the following classifications are established:


Natural River Areas:


Those designated scenic waterways or segments thereof that are generally inaccessible except by trail or the river, with related adjacent lands and shorelines essentially primitive. These represent vestiges of primitive America;


Natural River Areas may include an occasional lightly traveled road, airstrip, habitation or other kind of improvement already established, provided the effects are limited to the immediate vicinity;


Natural River Areas will be administered to preserve their natural, wild and primitive condition, essentially unaltered by the effects of man, while allowing compatible recreational uses, other compatible existing uses and protection of fish and wildlife habitat.


Scenic River Areas:


Those designated scenic waterways or segments thereof with related adjacent lands and shorelines still largely primitive and largely undeveloped, except for agriculture and grazing, but accessible in places by roads. Scenic River Areas may not include long stretches of conspicuous or well-traveled roads paralleling the river in close proximity, but may include extensive areas in agricultural use;


Scenic Areas will be administered to maintain or enhance their high scenic quality, recreational value, fishery and wildlife habitat, while preserving their largely undeveloped character and allowing continuing agricultural uses.


Recreational River Areas:


Those designated scenic waterways or segments thereof that are readily accessible by road or railroad, that may have some development along their shorelines and related adjacent lands, and that may have undergone some impoundment or diversion in the past;


Recreational River Areas will be administered to allow continuance of compatible existing uses, while allowing a wide range of compatible river-oriented public outdoor recreation opportunities, to the extent that these do not impair substantially the natural beauty of the scenic waterway or diminish its esthetic, fish and wildlife, scientific and recreational values.


Natural Scenic View Areas:


Natural Scenic View Areas will be administered to preserve or enhance their essentially primitive scenic character, while allowing compatible public outdoor recreational use.


Accessible Natural River Areas:


Those designated scenic waterways or segments thereof that are readily accessible by road or railroad but otherwise possess the qualities of a Natural or Scenic River Area;


Accessible Natural River Areas will be administered to protect or enhance their essentially primitive scenic character, while allowing compatible public outdoor recreation use.


River Community Areas — Those designated areas of a scenic waterway, perhaps on only one bank of the river, where density of structures or other developments, already existing or provided for precludes application of a more restrictive classification.


Intentionally left blank —Ed.


Within the general framework of these classifications, the Commission will further consider the nature and extent of existing land uses and developments, the scenic qualities and the esthetic, fish and wildlife, scientific and recreational values of each classified area within the scenic waterways in determining whether, in its judgment, proposals for changes of land use or improvements are compatible with the Act;


Because of the individual character of each scenic waterway, administrative criteria within each of the six classifications may vary from one scenic waterway to another.

Source: Rule 736-040-0040 — Classification of Scenic Waterways and Segments Thereof, https://secure.­sos.­state.­or.­us/oard/view.­action?ruleNumber=736-040-0040.

Rules for Conducting Hearings on Scenic Waterways Regulations
Designated Scenic Waterways
Definition of Terms
Responsibility and Authority of the Oregon Parks and Recreation Commission
Public Use of Scenic Waterways
Improvements and Changes in Use of Related Adjacent Lands
Rules of Land Management
Classification of Scenic Waterways and Segments Thereof
Nestucca River Scenic Waterway
Walker Creek Scenic Waterway
Upper McKenzie River Scenic Waterway
Interim Classification of State Scenic Waterways
Rogue River Scenic Waterway
North Umpqua River Scenic Waterway
Grande Ronde River Scenic Waterway
Wallowa River Scenic Waterway
Upper Clackamas River Scenic Waterway
llinois River Scenic Waterway
Elk River Scenic Waterway
Upper Rogue River Scenic Waterway
Klamath River Scenic Waterway
Owyhee River Scenic Waterway
Metolius River Scenic Waterway
Minam River Scenic Waterway
John Day River Scenic Waterway
North Fork John Day River Scenic Waterway
Middle Fork John Day River Scenic Waterway
South Fork John Day River Scenic Waterway
Deschutes River Scenic Waterway
Deschutes River Scenic Waterway Boater Pass System Rules
Middle Deschutes River Scenic Waterway
Upper Deschutes River Scenic Waterway
Sandy River Scenic Waterway
Clackamas River Scenic Waterway
Waldo Lake and the North Fork of the Middle Fork of the Willamette River
Notification Procedures
Procedures in Event of Commission Denial
Condemnation of Related Adjacent Land
Public Lands Within or Adjacent to a Scenic Waterway
Chetco River Scenic Waterway
Molalla River Scenic Waterway
Nehalem River Scenic Waterway Management Rules
Last Updated

Jun. 8, 2021

Rule 736-040-0040’s source at or​.us