OAR 736-040-0045
Rogue River Scenic Waterway

Within the Rogue River Scenic Waterway, already designated as a component of the National Wild and Scenic Rivers System by Public Law 90-542, the Commission will, insofar as its responsibility and authority under the Act permit, give consideration to the management objectives and directives stated in the Rogue River Plan prepared jointly by the United States Forest Service and the Bureau of Land Management.


Natural River Area:


That segment of the scenic waterway extending from Grave Creek downstream approximately 33 miles to Watson Creek is classified as a Natural River Area;


Scenic River Area:


That segment of the scenic waterway extending from Blue Jay Creek in Section 11, Township 35 South, Range 12 West, of the Willamette Meridian, (T 3S, R 12,W.M.), Curry County, downstream approximately 7-12 miles to the unnamed creek in Section 36, Township 35 South, Range 13 West, of the Willamette Meridian, (T 35S, R 12W, W.M.), Curry County, is classified as a Scenic River Area;


Commercial public service facilities which are visible from the river will not be permitted in this area;


Permissible structures within this area are single-family dwellings which meet the requirements stated in these rules and regulations. Including those already existing, such structures which are visible from the river will be limited to a total of two on each side of the river within any one mile of river frontage as shown on the plan and profile maps of the Rogue River prepared by the U.S. Geological Survey from survey made in 1923.


Recreational River Areas:


Three segments of the scenic waterway are designated as Recreational River Areas. These are:


Hellgate, extending from the mouth of the Applegate River downstream approximately 26 miles to Grave Creek Bridge, but excluding the Natural River View Area and the River Community Areas therein contained;


Agness, extending from Watson Creek downstream approximately ten miles to Blue Jay Creek, but excluding the River Community Area therein contained;


Skookumhouse, extending from the unnamed creek in Section 36, Township 35 South, Range 13 West, of the Willamette Meridian (T 35S, R 13W, W.M.), Curry County, downstream approximately seven miles to the Lobster Creek Bridge.


Within these areas, permitted uses and structures may include agriculture, single-family dwellings, lodges, resorts and other necessary commercial public service facilities. Including those already existing, structures and improvements which are visible from the river will be limited to a total of four on each side of the river within any one mile of river frontage as shown on the plan and profile maps of the Rogue River prepared by the U.S. Geological Survey from survey made in 1923.


Natural Scenic View Area:


Within this area no new structures or improvements which are visible from the river, except those needed for public outdoor recreation or for resource protection, will be permitted. Roads shall not be extended, or improved substantially.


River Community Areas:


Within the Hellgate Recreational River Area:


Galice — Plat of Galice Subdivision, Volume 5, pages 4, 5. (Within the W 12 Section 36, T 34S, R 8W, W.M.);


Rogue Riffles — Plat of Rogue Riffles Subdivision, Volume 4, page 49. (Within the SW 14 of the NW 14, Section 25, T 35S, R 7W, W.M., and SE 14 of the NE 14, Section 26, T 35S, R 7W, W.M.);


Burnette — Plat of Burnette Estates Subdivision, Volume 7, page 8. (Within the NE 14 of the SW 14, Section 35, T 35S, R 7W, W.M.);


Ferry Park — Plat of Ferry Park Estates, Volume 7, pages 19, 20. (Within the SE 14 of the NE 14 and NE 14 of the SE 14, Section 2, T 36S, R 7W, W.M.);


Peaceful Valley — Plat of Peaceful Valley Acres Subdivision, Volume 3, page 54. (Within the SE 14 of the NW 14, and SW 14 of the NE 14, Section 11, T 36S, R 7W, W.M.).




Within these areas, structures, improvements and uses that are consistent with Josephine County Zoning Ordinances and OAR 736-040-0030 (Improvements and Changes in Use of Related Adjacent Lands) and 736-040-0035 (Rules of Land Management) may be permitted.


Within the Agness Recreational River Area:


Agness — A parcel of land that comprises the Southwest Quarter (SW 14); West Half of the Southeast Quarter (W 14 SE 14), Section 7; and the Northwest Quarter (NW 14); West Half of the Northeast Quarter (W 12 NE 14), Section 18; all in Township 35 South, Range 11 West, of the Willamette Meridian (T 35S, R 11W, W.M.), Curry County;


Also a parcel of land that comprises the East Half of the Southeast Quarter (E 12 SE 14), Section 12; and the East Half of the Northeast Quarter (E 12 NE 14), Section 13; all in Township 35 South, Range 12 West, of the Willamette Meridian (T 35S, R 12W, W.M.), Curry County;


The Commission recognizes that further development of the Agness area may be necessary in order to provide services for both local residents and the public;


Within the Agness River Community Area, when consistent with Curry County zoning ordinances, permitted uses, structures and improvements may include agriculture, single and multiple family dwellings, churches, lodges, resorts, motels, transient public trailer parks and other necessary commercial public service facilities. Permitted densities of improvements and structures which are visible from the river may be established by the Commission after consultation with the U.S. Forest Service, the Curry County Planning Commission, the Agness Community Council, and such other persons and agencies as the Commission may select.

Source: Rule 736-040-0045 — Rogue River Scenic Waterway, https://secure.­sos.­state.­or.­us/oard/view.­action?ruleNumber=736-040-0045.

Rules for Conducting Hearings on Scenic Waterways Regulations
Designated Scenic Waterways
Definition of Terms
Responsibility and Authority of the Oregon Parks and Recreation Commission
Public Use of Scenic Waterways
Improvements and Changes in Use of Related Adjacent Lands
Rules of Land Management
Classification of Scenic Waterways and Segments Thereof
Nestucca River Scenic Waterway
Walker Creek Scenic Waterway
Upper McKenzie River Scenic Waterway
Interim Classification of State Scenic Waterways
Rogue River Scenic Waterway
North Umpqua River Scenic Waterway
Grande Ronde River Scenic Waterway
Wallowa River Scenic Waterway
Upper Clackamas River Scenic Waterway
llinois River Scenic Waterway
Elk River Scenic Waterway
Upper Rogue River Scenic Waterway
Klamath River Scenic Waterway
Owyhee River Scenic Waterway
Metolius River Scenic Waterway
Minam River Scenic Waterway
John Day River Scenic Waterway
North Fork John Day River Scenic Waterway
Middle Fork John Day River Scenic Waterway
South Fork John Day River Scenic Waterway
Deschutes River Scenic Waterway
Deschutes River Scenic Waterway Boater Pass System Rules
Middle Deschutes River Scenic Waterway
Upper Deschutes River Scenic Waterway
Sandy River Scenic Waterway
Clackamas River Scenic Waterway
Waldo Lake and the North Fork of the Middle Fork of the Willamette River
Notification Procedures
Procedures in Event of Commission Denial
Condemnation of Related Adjacent Land
Public Lands Within or Adjacent to a Scenic Waterway
Chetco River Scenic Waterway
Molalla River Scenic Waterway
Nehalem River Scenic Waterway Management Rules
Last Updated

Jun. 8, 2021

Rule 736-040-0045’s source at or​.us